asks: Which Thursday night NBC comedy is the best? Weigh in!

Mar 11, 2010 09:44

Which Thursday-Night NBC Comedy Is the Best?

by Staff Staff Writer 03/11/10 05:00 AM

NBC's Thursday-night comedy block may seem like a harmonious two-hour laugh fest, but here at we think the four shows that comprise it are all over the place in terms of quality. Our heated cross-cubicle arguments haven't yet come to blows, but someone is going to lose an eye pretty soon... unless we determine once and for all which show is the cream of the crop.

We've assembled our opening arguments, and now we're enlisting your help in deciding which NBC Thursday-night comedy is the best. Will Community, Parks and Recreation, The Office, or 30 Rock reign supreme? Feel free to declare a winner in the comments section below.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury (by the way, you look handsome and/or pretty today), you will hear my opponents talk about how The Office has launched careers, and how Parks and Recreation has a guy with a funny mustache. But one thing you won't hear them talk about is heart. This, my friends, is what puts freshman comedy Community ahead of the pack. The way the show's writers have transformed a group of misfits into a tight-knit clique has been natural and heart-warming. More than just a series of non-sequitur jokes, Community puts its characters into action for a purpose and not just a chuckle. As for its competitors, The Office and Parks and Recreation are basically the same show, and 30 Rock is just an overblown Saturday Night Live sketch. Plus, what other TV show could end its Christmas episode with its cast bloodied up from a street brawl, yet still manage to be touching? Only Community. I rest my case. -Tim Surette

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