Six Seasons and a Movie art show Saturday Programming

Jun 05, 2012 10:41

Have you ever dreamed of Community someday having a convention that you could attend? Then you should make your way down to the Six Seasons and a Movie art show! Once the doors open at 11am, you’ll be free to go inside and you check out artwork by various artists from around the world. Make sure to keep track of the Greendale logos. They can help guide you towards tiny bits of useful information about each piece. And if you still need additional assistance, just look for any of the PixelDrip staff standing nearby.
And there’s still more to enjoy once you’ve seen all the artwork. Check out the Puppy Parade in the middle of the afternoon courtesy of Annie Wilkes. Watch a sneak preview or even get interviewed for the Six Seasons and a Movie documentary that is currently in the process of filming throughout summer 2012. Enjoy some music provided by Dormilon and Christian Tincher. Challenge someone at the character guessing board game provided by Lusy DeCoursey. Head over to the video game kiosks and play short demos of two different games. One is a choose your own adventure game that gives you the experience of taking classes at Greendale Community College. The other is an old school platformer that will take you on a journey to the center of, well, you’ll have to see it for yourself. Is that still not enough? Read the rest of the details HERE!


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