So, my friend who knows I love Community pointed me to
this article on Dan Harmon and how firing him is kinda/sorta/maybe firing a disabled person because of his placing on the autism spectrum, and it reminded me of something that sorta irked me from the finale...
"Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person who wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because "healthy" sounds so much more exciting than "boring". You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid in the playground that didn't get picked on. You're a business-casual potted plant - a human White Sale. You're VH1 Robo-Cop 2, and Back to the Future're Jim Belushi."
What do you guys think of this part, where Dark Abed turns the tables on Britta and therapizes her? I feel like there is some validity in this, not at all a generalization, but I bet some people are like that. But if Britta were like that, isn't that pretty alarming, red-flag behaviour, in and of itself?
I worry, and this isn't the first time I've felt worried, that this is an attempt to state the opinion that psychology isn't real, and you'd think that someone that knows it's real (supposedly...), wouldn't want to poison the already shitty waters of public opinion out there. It's already still bad enough with all the progress mental health has made to be taken seriously, I just don't think this helped? Even if it was from Evil Abed? I dunno. I dunno, and that's why I came here for discussion, I'd like to know what everyone else thought. :)
Jamie xx