fic: Chapter Two of Among the Fluff

May 01, 2012 11:56

Title: The Vampire And the Carny
Pairings: Troy/Abed, Jeff/Britta
Rating: T
Words: 3, 371
Spoilers: big ones for Origins of Vampire Mythology
Summary: Jeff decides he has to find out what the big deal about Blade is, and Annie's crush on Jeff is discussed.

Chapter Two: The Vampire and the Carny

It had been a whole week since Jeff had left Britta at the bar. Now they were sitting in their study room in the library, she was looking really hot, and Troy and Abed were playing a game today. Jeff had to admit, he wasn't really paying attention. Then the dean came in. He was dressed in a ridiculously horrid train conductor's outfit, he looked like an over grown six year old. Then he mentioned that a carnival was coming. It gave him no interest. Then Britta mentioned that she had an ex-boyfriend with the carnival. The study group immediately began making fun of her because his name was Blade. Jeff was busy wondering how he could stop Britta from sleeping with this guy. Troy and Abed were blathering on about the Blade movie. Jeff wondered if he should tell Britta he loved her. It might just work. She might be shocked enough to not be obsessed with this guy. Although, he was super curious as to why this guy had such a hold on Britta. Then he was wondering who he would have go with him to the carnival to check out Blade.
Annie was obviously out, she had a crazy crush on him and she'd be no help. He didn't want to ask Pierce, Pierce was too weird and he'd want to know why. There was no way Jeff was going to tell him. Troy and Abed were going to snuggle and watch Blade so that meant Shirley. But it was okay, Shirley would understand why he wanted to go.

When everyone was ready to go, Jeff pulled Shirley aside. "So, Shirley, I need a favor. I need you to go check Blade out with me."
The knowing look Shirley gave him did not surprise him. She really did get him. "You want to see what Britta saw in him and see how you measure up." She said, nodding.

Jeff smiled at her gratefully. "Yes. I just want to see what the big deal is. I have to know. I will never get Britta back if I don't find out what the deal is with Blade. Then I can get her back off of him. I really do..." Jeff paused. Was he really going to admit that he loved Britta? "I have feelings for Britta. Real ones." He was blushing deeply.

Shirley smiled. "Oooh, that's nice." She said, and Jeff was so glad everyone had left the room, she had a tendency to be loud about it. And there was no way that he was telling anyone else about this until he had Britta. Shirley patted his shoulder. "I'll go with you, Jeffrey. I've always thought you and Britta would be a great couple."

Blushing despite himself, Jeff said, "Great, thanks, Shirley. I am sure I can win you some animals." The carnival was the next night. Jeff knew that Britta was staying at Troy, Abed's and Annie's. That meant she'd be safe and Jeff could find out this guy's attraction. Besides the duck thing, anyway.

The following morning, Troy and Abed were eating breakfast. Troy had a big bowl of cereal, and so did Abed. They were going to watch their Saturday morning cartoons. Then the afternoon they were going to play with these cool Storm Trooper toys Abed had found on Ebay. Annie was with Britta in her room, they were playing cards or something, and Britta's phone was in the fridge. Troy was shoveling Fruit Loops in his mouth, while Abed was putting cartoons on. They had pushed the armchairs closer together so they could snuggle better. Abed had his legs on Troy's lap, and his cereal was rested on his lap. "Troy, do you think we should get pizza for the movie?" He asked.

Troy was wondering if Annie and Britta were going to watch the Blade movies with them. Britta had been acting weird since the night before. She had already tried to find her phone twice. Troy was also wondering if Annie had a crush on Jeff. She'd been muttering about him when she'd made the coffee that morning. He almost didn't hear his boyfriend. "What? Oh yeah. We should see if Annie and Britta want to kick in. I'm sure they're going to watch with us."

Nodding, Abed ate some of his Honey Nut Cheerios. "I could go and get some soda and chips, too." Abed had been enjoying being Troy's boyfriend so far. They did all the same things, but there was cuddling and making out now. Abed liked the making out emmensely, and he was wondering when they were going to take it to the next level. He'd been reading up on how gay sex worked on the internet. There had been a lot of information. Abed didn't think they had to be too advanced the first time out, but Abed still wanted to give it a shot. Troy was the first person in his life that he had wanted to try sex with. Abed just didn't know how to bring it up.

Annie came out of the bedroom. Troy and Abed were still in pjs, but Annie was dressed in her signature college schoolgirl getup. She was holding her empty coffee cup. She had no one to talk about Jeff with. She had been testing the waters with her roommates, but she wasn't sure if she should. Abed was going to be all.... Abed about it, and Troy wouldn't be helpful. Plus, Britta was here. Pouring more coffee, Annie asked, "Hey, guys, I have something I'd like to talk to you about."

"You mean your insanely inappropriate crush on Jeff?" Troy asked, as they kept their eyes on the tv.

Annie blushed despite herself. "You.... you think it's.... it's not inappropriate." She defended herself.

Abed nodded. "Completely, and he doesn't feel the same, Annie." Abed was an observer of the human condition, and Abed was pretty sure Jeff was still into Britta. He was sure that Jeff would be pissed if he spoke up about it. "You should move on, Annie. Try someone younger."

This made her do her girl squeaky thing they both hated. "I'm.... I still want to try. I like him a lot." This was an understatement, she was completely in love with him. Annie wasn't even sure why, it must be because he was unavailable to her. Something about Jeff screamed unavailable. It was odd, because Annie didn't usually like to chase unavailable guys, except her crush on Troy. Obviously, that would have been pointless.

Troy shook his head. "Give up, Annie. Jeff thinks you're too young." He had his own suspicions about Jeff, but he hadn't thought too hard about it, it hurt to think too seriously.

Meanwhile, the dean was in his office, working on some paperwork. The carnival was quiet, but some of the workers were having breakfast in the cafeteria. He was trying to find some corners to cut. That's when that crazy air conditioner man showed up in his office. Vice Dean Laybourne. Craig didn't like him. He was scary. The dean looked at him. "Is there something I can..... do for you?" He asked, shaking a little.

The other dean still had his crazy beard and long braid, but he'd slimmed down a little. He still wanted Troy Barnes for his school. Troy was talented in air conditioner repair. Viceroy had been mostly behind the pillow fight. He knew Troy would never leave Abed. Viceroy always got what he wanted. He wanted Troy at all costs. "Do you remember that talk we had? You are going to get Troy to join my air conditioning program." There wasn't a question, Craig Pelton would do it if he wanted to keep Greendale open.

Dean Pelton's face turned red. He knew Troy would say no. He had no idea how to get him to agree. He knew where the boys' apartment was. He could go there later. Maybe it was a good chance they'd be watching tv. "I don't.... I don't know why you think I can help." He stammered.

That's when Viceroy got closer. Just enough to scare Pelton but not enough to be menacing or threatening. "You're going to do it if you want to keep any money for Greendale. I know how much you care about your school." He taunted.

That made Pelton take in a sharp breath. Then Viceroy left, sure he had gotten what he wanted. Pelton knew he would go to the boys' apartment that night. He just hoped they'd let him in.

A couple of hours later, Jeff was standing in front of his mirror, trying to decide what to wear that night. He wanted to look better than he was sure Blade would look. Jeff was sure Blade was just a normal carny, but there had to be something Britta liked. Jeff was determined to find out what it meant. She could not think he was really that great, could she?

His phone, sitting on his bed, rang. Jeff was fresh from his shower. Reaching down, he checked the caller id. It was Troy. He went to answer it. "What's up, Troy?"

"Jeff, Annie's practically ready to carry your children. You should know." Troy wasn't even sure what had made him tell Jeff. It's not like Jeff liked Annie back. Troy knew he didn't.

Groaning, Jeff replied, "I know. Do..... you think I should deal with that right now? I'm in the middle of something."

Troy considered for a moment. He wasn't sure what to say to Jeff about that. "Well, she's been mooning over you all morning. She's almost forgotten to help Britta with her crazy mooning over Blade."

That cinched it for Jeff. "Okay. I'll call her and tell her I know and for her to give it up." He thanked Troy and hung up. Then he dialed Annie's phone.

She answered far too quickly. "Hi, Jeff." She said, sounding all school girl and sickening.

Jeff didn't know what to say at first. Annie was his friend, and he didn't actually want to hurt her. It was going to have to happen, no matter how you sliced it. "Annie, there's something I have to talk to you about. It's really important."

When she replied, Jeff could tell she was being very serious. She was not going to be prepared for this. Annie's reply was brief. "Okay, Jeff. Shoot."

Taking a deep breath, Jeff pawed through his closet. "Annie, I know you have a crush on me. I am going to try and save you some hurt. I don't feel the same for you. You need to find someone your own age. And when I say this, Annie, I mean it. I am in love with someone else, and it's not you. I don't want you to think I'm being coy with you or something."

Annie's hopes were completely dashed, but she had already figured that Jeff was off limits. This should not be making her heart feel as if her heart was in tiny pieces on her kitchen floor. She stared at it, as if she could see them. Finally, she said, a bit woodenly,
"Okay... thanks for being honest with me. Can.... can I know who it is?"

Freezing, Jeff wasn't sure how to answer that. Britta was there, Annie could choose to tell her. Jeff couldn't risk it. Lie or just not tell her. He ended up not telling her. "No way, Annie. Please, I'm going to tell her soon, and I want to do it without a lot of people knowing." This sounded like a very plausible excuse to himself.

The girl on the other end of the phone was quiet. Annie was thinking. She didn't know what to say. She definitely wanted to know. If she could stop this, maybe he would love her. The smart girl inside her knew that she was barking up the wrong tree, but she didn't know that she could help herself. It was the Annie Aderol part of her. She finally had to give in to what Jeff wanted, she knew that he'd never tell her on his own. "Okay. Good... good luck Jeff." Annie felt wrong telling him that, but she couldn't help if she loved him enough to let him go if that's what he wanted.

Jeff could not have been more surprised that she gave up. "Well, thanks, Annie, I appreciate that. You have been a good sport."
Before she could agree or disagree, he hung up. Time to get dressed for Blade.

When he and Shirley arrived at the fair later, he wondered if he could do this. He didn't know if he could face how Blade was going to be. He was glad Shirley was here. He would not have been able to do this without her. "You are the best to have come with me, Shirley."

"No, I get it, Jeff. You've got to see if Blade is better than you." She replied, holding her purse tightly to her. She was wanting to ride some of the rides. "Let's go on some of the rides, Jeffrey. I spent my carnival years pregnant."

That was when Jeff spotted the booth Blade was in charge of. His first impression was, oh my God, how could Britta have been attracted to this man? Jeff was definitely better looking, it only sharpened his resolve to find out what was up with this man. "Come on, Shirl." He pulled her along with him. Once he got to the booth, he stared down the man that was in charge. "I'm here to win my girlfriend some animals." He said, plunking down some money.

Shirley was wary. Jeff had this crazy look in his eye. He was looking like he was going to keep going till he gave up. They could be here awhile, Jeff was really stubborn. She hoped she'd end up riding some rides. Shirley didn't want to have come here for nothing.
"Jeffrey, I want to ride some rides, too." She said, her tone gentle for now.

He just nodded at her. Jeff was more determined to win right now, not what Shirley was talking about. "So Blade, you... what's a man like you average when it comes to dating?" He asked.

Blade looked stumped by the question. It took him a minute to answer completely. "I guess I get a few dates every six months." He didn't add anything more, and Jeff was very surprised. That couldn't be all.

So, he thought for something else to ask. It had to be something. Jeff plunked some more money down. "So, are you... smart? Did you get great grades in school?"

Shirley watched as Blade thought about how to answer this question. She was thinking he must not be that smart if he had to think about how to answer it. "Look, Jeff, I want to go and ride some rides."

Jeff nodded, and kept his eyes on Blade. "Yeah, baby, after I win you some animals." There was no way he was leaving until Blade had answered his questions.

Meanwhile, the dean had just arrived at the boys' apartment. They let him in, surprised he was even there. But politeness made them let him in. Britta was torn. She wanted to call Blade, but a part of her wanted to call Jeff. Her body was crying out for both of them, but she couldn't tell which one her body wanted more. She knew that neither one was really an option, so it didn't matter in the long run. If she'd had her phone she would have been texting him. Britta could not believe that she would sleep with Blade while she was in love with Jeff. She supposed that maybe she shouldn't be with Jeff. Even though she'd never cheat on him. Britta didn't know what to do andthere was no one to ask. There was no one she could talk to about it. Britta knew if she was honest, she loved Jeff more. Britta had loved him from almost the first time she saw him. Even with his stupid flimsy excuse for a study group. Britta didn't know how to tell him she loved him.

The dean was watching Blade with the boys and Annie, Britta was in Annie's bedroom. While she had turned off the tv earlier, Abed had told Annie to "Subdue your guest" and then she'd gotten locked in the bedroom. Britta didn't mind, she didn't really want to keep hearing the word Blade and that's all they kept saying. All she could really think about was Jeff. And wondering what he was doing right then.

Jeff was discovering that the secret to Blade was. He looked at Shirley. "I have to go talk to Britta." He had to tell her that Blade just didn't care. Maybe Jeff could tell her that he did. "I'll see you later, Shirley. I have to go see Britta."

Tearing out of the fair, he went to go to the boys' and Annie's apartment. He was going to end this back and forth and just tell her how he felt. He loved her and he didn't want to hide it anymore. He just wanted to love her. He went to the apartment. He didn't know what Britta was going to say but he had to tell her. Even if it felt all cheesy like a romantic comedy. Jeff thought that was growth for him, that he was still willing to do this, even with knowing how cheesy it was.

They opened the door for him almost immediately. Annie went into her room, Troy was supposedly sleeping, and the dean was leaving. Jeff didn't know exactly what to say. The words he'd wanted to say about Blade escaped him. As soon as he saw Britta, he just felt love. It was completely lame but he was going to go with it. "Britta, I have something to tell you." He said, when he saw her.
Her face definitely did a hopeful thing, and he rejoyced about this inside for a second. "Yes, Jeff?" She asked, looking at him expectantly.

"Wow. Okay." Jeff was a little blown away by how this felt. How crazy hard was it going to be. Jeff was sure she was going to be. Jeff was sure she was going to shoot him down and he hadn't even started talking yet. "I don't think you should even think about being with Blade anymore. I want to be with you. I know I threw away what we had before, and I know that I walked away at the bar, but I don't want to do that at all anymore." There was a snort coming from Annie's room, and they all glanced towards her room in shock. Then Jeff looked to Britta. "Forget abut Blade. I love you, Britta."

It was crazy that she wanted to give in, right? Britta didn't believe in love. Yet she loved Jeff. This is all she had been wanting to hear, too. That he loved her and wanted her. Britta knew she had to say something. She didn't want to be one of those crazy girlfriends. Britta finally took Jeff's hands. "Jeff, I know it's crazy but I love you too."

Smiling back at her, Jeff actually pulled her into his arms and kissed her, like one of those cheesy movies. He then did something that wasn't at all like one of those cheesy movies. "Come on, Britta, let's go have sex."

Normally, she would have been put off by him being so crude, but she understood. "OK, but let's finish the movie with Troy and Abed first." She told him. That was how they all ended up watching Blade. Even Annie came out of her room to watch. Britta settled in Jeff's arms. She thought it was over a long time ago. But what did she know? Apparently life had other plans.

Author's note: So I think this might be the last chapter. But if there is another, it will take place during the Law and Order episode. That one's my favorite, seriously. Alright. Thanks for reading!

character: jeff, pairing: britta/jeff, pairing: abed/troy, fanfiction, character: britta, character: annie, character: shirley, character: troy, -ep3.15-origins-of-vampire-mythology, character: abed, character: dean pelton

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