Going For The Look

May 28, 2011 10:59

Title: Going For The Look
Fandom: Community
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Characters/Pairings: Jeff/Annie, Troy/Britta, mentions of Abed/Annie
Spoilers: Up to the end of S2
Summary: Jeff is going for the ‘Han Solo’ look during their third year Halloween Party. Annie calls him out on it.
A/N: This was written for a Ficcy Friday prompt on Milady/Milord, from [info]rozicanuti . ‘Halloween comes. Jeff is dressed as Han Solo, because he knows he'll be better than Abed and wants to prove it.’ This part is PG-13 rated (I know, shocker!). There may be a next part, though, which won’t be.

“What do you think?” Troy jumped out of Britta’s car and struck a pose

pairing: jeff/annie, pairing: britta/troy, character: troy barnes, rating: pg13, character: jeff winger, author: rufeepeach, fanfiction, ficcy friday, rating: pg, character: annie edison

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