Upton's Spring Dragon oolong is my favorite. Every time I have a cup, I think of the smoothness of the best brandy - even though the tea doesn't have any taste of brandy, it has exactly that smoothness.
My favorite every day tea is Adagio's ceylon sonata. It's delicate for a black tea and I can use more or less of the loose tea leaves if I need an extra bit of a caffeine boost. I never microwave the water. It just seems to change the flavor with that method. I no longer order a cuppa tea after a meal at restaurants because I can't stand it when they bring me a Lipton tea bag with luke warm water.
Almost any type of good earthy pu-erh will do it for me in the morning. The smell reminds me of working in the garden on a warm day. Later on I move into genmaicha,(Samovar's Ryocucha is good)formosa oolongs, or my all time favorite green, Jasmine Pearl.
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