Mixer Thread Tools

Apr 02, 2007 10:24

So, with 1800+ comments and the fun not seeming to slow down too much, I've gotten reports that the post is getting hard to navigate. I wanted to give you some tips and also a guide to the threads so you can hopefully avoid loading the entire post if nothing else works.

First, adding ?format=light after the .html part of the URL will strip the page down to its bare basics. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to stick after you leave a comment, but for viewing the entire post at once, it may be a help.

Second, I highly recommend using a tabbed browser. The new IE 7 has tabs, and I use Firefox 2.0 myself (which also has the added benefit of working with the LJLogin extension which makes it much easier to switch between names). I've got two browser windows open, one with my normal email/LJ/web stuff, and one with just tabs of the threads I'm active in. Firefox also will restore all tabs/windows if it crashes (as I found out last night).

But if those still don't work or aren't an option, below is a list of the main threads, in chronological order, referencing the charcter who started the thread. There may be (and probably are) multiple subthreads under there. If I can, I'll make a list of those later today. Also, if anyone else has the time to make the list, send it my way and I'll add it!

ETA 4/6/07: I have updated the list to include the subthreads! You folks are a chatty bunch... :D

Page 1
greddy_freddy - Fred Weasley
  -- batbogey_hex
  -- _tartantabby_
  -- pussinpink
  -- brave_phoenix
  -- exsequeverus
  -- luna_loves_well
  -- hexed_gideon
  -- angelic_gryff
  -- goodasredgold
batbogey_hex - Ginny Weasley
  -- twolions
  -- pussinpink
  -- serpent_lord
  -- luna_loves_well
_tartantabby_ - Minerva McGonagall
  -- grim_smile
  -- synodic_pup
  -- kissed_soul
  -- brave_phoenix & superblyodd
  -- exsequeverus
  -- hexed_gideon
  -- hismagdalen
  -- the_pureblooded
  -- serpent_lord
  -- humming_bee
  -- misterbigstuff
  -- pe_pettigrew
  -- lefthandstars
  -- goodasredgold
nex_colubra - Rodolphus Lestrange
  -- foreverwidow
  -- just_loyal_true
  -- _kniaz
trickster_gryff - Sirius Black
  -- gryffire_lily
  -- twolions
  -- batbogey_hex
  -- foreverwidow
  -- just_loyal_true
  -- superblyodd
  -- hexedherne
  -- favourite_son
  -- hismagdalen
  -- synodic_pup
  -- serpent_lord
  -- leavingforlove
  -- misterbigstuff
  -- outofthetoilet
  -- pe_pettigrew
gryffire_lily - Lily Evans
  -- twolions
  -- synodic_pup
  -- hexedherne
  -- serpent_lord
  -- misterbigstuff
  -- pe_pettigrew
twolions - Bill Weasley
  -- _prettypenny_
  -- superblyodd
  -- hexed_gideon
  -- pussinpink
  -- corviform
synodic_pup - Remus Lupin
  -- batbogey_hex
  -- luna_loves_well
  -- tatty_cardigan
  -- misterbigstuff
  -- outofthetoilet
  -- pe_pettigrew
foreverwidow - Madeleine Zabini
  -- imperiused
  -- viridigitus
auror_a_moody - Alastor Moody
  -- foreverwidow
  -- _tartantabby_
  -- hismagdalen
  -- misterbigstuff
  -- luna_loves_well
exsequeverus - Severus Snape
  -- trickster_gryff
  -- just_loyal_true
  -- capitis_sepenti
  -- nex_colubra
  -- brave_phoenix
  -- viridigitus
  -- corivorm
  -- serpent_lord
  -- the_pureblooded
  -- humming_bee
  -- misterbigstuff
  -- pe_pettigrew
  -- goodasredgold
  -- emmygreen
duelingdandy - Gilderoy Lockhart
  -- brave_phoenix
  -- exsequeverus
  -- foreverwidow
  -- kissed_soul
  -- pussinpink
  -- serpent_lord
just_loyal_true - Susan Bones
  -- _kniaz
  -- favourite_son
  -- hismagdalen
  -- synodic_pup
  -- just_n_true
brave_phoenix - Edgar Bones
  -- luna_loves_well
  -- viridigitus
harriedpotter - Harry Potter
  -- superblyodd
  -- malfoybrat
  -- favourite_son
  -- batbogey_hex
  -- trickster_gryff
  -- viridigitus
  -- gryffire_lily
  -- the_schizoidman
  -- just_loyal_true
  -- serpent_lord
  -- synodic_pup
  -- misterbigstuff
  -- outofthetoilet
  -- goodasredgold
luna_loves_well - Luna Lovegood
  -- duelingdandy
  -- just_loyal_true
  -- the_schizoidman
superblyodd - Ted Tonks
  -- hoosabrat
  -- nex_colubra
  -- leavingforlove
  -- hexed_gideon
  -- bluebronze_gold
  -- goodasredgold
_kniaz - Antonin Dolohov
  -- luna_loves_well
  -- hexed_gideon
  -- coviform
  -- viridigitus
capitis_sepenti - Rabastan Lestrange
  -- imperiused
  -- nex_colubra
  -- kissed_soul
  -- foreverwidow
hexed_gideon - Gideon Prewett
  -- batbogey_hex
  -- emmygreen
  -- lefthandstars
hoosabrat - Lucius Malfoy
  -- imperiused
  -- nex_colubra
  -- the_pureblooded
favourite_son - Regulus Black
  -- hexedherne & stagboy
  -- capitis_sepenti
  -- nex_colubra
  -- lefthandstars
stagboy - James Potter
  -- duelingdandy
  -- favourite_son
  -- capitis_sepenti
  -- nex_colubra
  -- grim_smile
  -- serpent_lord
  -- misterbigstuff
  -- bluebronze_gold
  -- lefthandstars
malfoybrat - Draco Malfoy
  -- harriedpotter
  -- imperiused
  -- hoosabrat
  -- batbogey_hex
  -- luna_loves_well
  -- capitis_sepenti
  -- viridigitus
  -- the_pureblooded
  -- just_loyal_true
  -- misterbigstuff
  -- outofthetoilet
  -- emmygreen
imperiused - Lucius Malfoy
  -- hismagdalen
  -- superblyodd
  -- blackdasphodele
  -- the_pureblooded
  -- misterbigstuff

Page 2
hismagdalen - Bellatrix Lestrange
  -- favourite_son
  -- capitis_sepenti
  -- duelingdandy
  -- foreverwidow
  -- superblyodd
  -- viridigitus
rabastanlestran - Rabastan Lestrange
  -- hismagdalen
  -- batbogey_hex
  -- foreverwidow, kissed_soul & imperiused
  -- synodic_pup
  -- favourite_son
  -- gryffire_lily
  -- pe_pettigrew
just_n_true - Justin Finch-Fletchley
  -- harriedpotter
the_pureblooded - Draco Malfoy
  -- just_loyal_true
  -- harriedpotter
  -- serpent_lord
  -- par_not_vati
corviform - Augustus Rookwood
  -- hexed_gideon
  -- batbogey_hex
bluebronze_gold - Anthony Goldstein
  -- greddy_freddy
  -- the_pureblooded
  -- luna_loves_well
  -- batbogey_hex
tatty_cardigan - Remus Lupin
  -- harriedpotter
  -- stagboy
  -- duelingdandy
  -- corviform
  -- devours_the_son
viridigitus - Dahlia Yaxley
  -- stagboy
  -- imperiused
cloudy_innereye - Sybill Trelawney
  -- tatty_cardigan
  -- corviform
  -- the_schizoidman
  -- harriedpotter
  -- exsequeverus
misterbigstuff - Cornelius Fudge
  -- luna_loves_well
  -- kissed_soul
  -- emmygreen
angelic_gryff - Angelina Johnson
  -- brave_phoenix
pe_pettigrew - Peter Pettigrew
  -- _tartantabby_
  -- lefthandstars
  -- goodasredgold & subvrsvwhiskers
emmygreen - Emmeline Vance
  -- hexed_gideon
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