Jan 31, 2007 20:44
Dear cousin Regulus,
I don't believe we've met. If we have, I was far too young to pay proper attention. I'm sure you know who I am however, and I'm also sure you know the situation in which I find myself. It seems, and I do not say this lightly - though I say a great many things lightly and with a frequent disregard for the truth - that I may soon be dead. It is not certain and it is not something I'm looking forward to because my Daddy would be distraught without me. But I wouldn't be surprised to be dead within the month. If not sooner.
I'm not scared, you understand. Not at all. But, it does feel rather like going to a party where one doesn't know any of the other guests, which I'm sure you'll realise is a thoroughly unwelcome prospect and one I've never had to consider before as I have lots of friends. Unfortunately none of my dearest friends are dead and I've begun to wonder whether so I must prevail upon you to collect me on the Other side and show me how to go about being dead in the most enjoyable manner.
Mummy said Aurors killed you. I wonder about that. You might be able to tell me the truth soon! I don't want to die. Is it cold to be dead? I don't like the cold. Does one catch a chill when one is dead? Should I dress warmly? I did mean that as a joke, but I think I'd welcome an answer on that one. Of course you can't answer me. You can't answer any of my questions until I'm dead and I don't want to die so it's rather pointless me asking.
This is all rather pointless but, perhaps I wasn't speaking entirely truthfully earlier when I said I wasn't afraid. I did say I tend to side-step the truth when it suits me, which you must acknowledge was good of me to do so. I am a little scared, cousin Regulus. So if you could see your way to being a friendly face when I first open my eyes on being dead, I should appreciate it ever so much.
I'm sure we'll get on famously.
Your loving cousin,