SIRIUS BLACK: 17 November, 1973

Nov 26, 2006 23:18

Dear Uncle Alphard,

Do you know

Have you ever heard of someone called William Potter? I didn’t know who else to ask because I think Mother and Father I know you weren’t really old when you left and all, but I thought you might have heard of him if Mother or Father or Auntie and Uncle had mentioned him. or anyone else eitherIf you do know ( Read more... )

1973, sirius_black

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Comments 136

_tartantabby_ November 27 2006, 11:20:57 UTC
For some reason this is what popped into my head: "Yes, you're Gretel. And you're five years old? My, you're practically a lady." *giggles and loves on you!

*narrow smile*
If I said it out loud, I shan't take back praise. Just be certain you don't give me cause to doubt that assessment, Mr Black.
*inclines her head*
And I believe I've told you that you have a talent for bashing things about before now.


trickster_gryff November 27 2006, 14:20:17 UTC
*snorts* Well, there shall be no singing. No one would want to hear that. :D

*wary look*
*draws up, eyes narrowing a bit at her challenge, stopping his hands before they can jam into his pockets*
You can be sure I won't. Professor.

*angelic smile that almost works*
It's all in the wrist and the follow through.


_tartantabby_ November 27 2006, 19:18:26 UTC

*twitch of her lips at the change in his posture*
Very good, Mr Black.

*dubious expression, obviously not believing his attempt at innocence*
Indeed. Remember that bludgers are different than your exploding apples and require better aim.


trickster_gryff November 27 2006, 19:26:58 UTC

I hate work. Have I mentioned that? HATE.

*level gaze, shoulders shifting, seemingly to adjust his robes more comfortably*

*smile widens a touch, taking on a lazy twist*
It's not so much the aim as the force, Professor. Though I will say that you don't have to catch the apples square even if they are smaller.


superblyodd November 27 2006, 11:58:50 UTC
So what'd you like for your birthday, Sirius? Besides a card with really forceful and rather obnoxious confetti, of course, because that's a given.


trickster_gryff November 27 2006, 14:47:42 UTC
Well, of course, the card.

*bites his lip thinking*
Mm. Well, I could use a new desk for Exploding Snap. Some of the cards have gone missing. Or... Gobstones. I saw a brilliant set in Diagon with pieces that shift colours. Or, erm... Quidditch things? They've got some bloody cool gloves and things, and de-fogging goggles for bad weather. All sorts of stuff.


superblyodd November 27 2006, 15:24:42 UTC
*grins* I found some nautical-themed confetti that I think will work nicely. Nothing screams birthday like glittery anchors and buoys.

*nods, scratching a hand through his hair idly as he thinks his over* We'll see what we can do. I am rather fond of the notion of taking Dora with us and letting her pick out what to get you. Four month olds have excellent taste in gifts, but I'll see what Andy has in mind first.


trickster_gryff November 27 2006, 15:44:03 UTC
*brow wrinkles a little*
Nautical? Oh, does it have sea gulls as well? Or pirate flags? *laughs*

*dubious expression*
Erm... Dora's alright, but I'm not sure what sort of thing she might pick out. Probably something good to chew on. Babies chew things, right? *considers* Or is that puppies? All I know is that Regulus used to bite me, though I think that was when he was older.


snakes_heart November 27 2006, 14:33:04 UTC
Alphard obviously wants to answer this letter, but his puppetmistress has no clue who William Potter is - can you help me?


Yes, I am doing fine, thanks. Happy to see that you're doing well in Quidditch and enjoying your new broom. This made it very easy for me to find the perfect birthday present for you. I understand it's the newest and most complete kit.

Now, Sirius...curiosity only about William Potter? I'm your uncle, you can tell me the truth.

Happy Birthday,

Uncle Alphard.


trickster_gryff November 27 2006, 15:30:31 UTC
Oh, no worries! :) It's an on-going plotline with James. If you click on the "1973" tag and read forward from James' 10 Nov. letter if you have the time. If not - long story short: he's James' Uncle (father's brother) who was apparently into some odd stuff that involved dark spells and reanimating the dead, though he was of the belief that since he was on the "good" side and not a dark wizard, it was alright and could help the cause. It killed him, and years ago. James & Sirius only know little sketchy bits of this at the point he's writing (and even after, really) and at this point, Sirius only knows that William had some notes that dealt with spells and reanimating dead things, though why, how, etc? They don't know. It's VERY likely that Alphard actually has no idea who William is - he wasn't involved with any organized anything and he wasn't a dark wizard. Hopefully that was helpful and not too confusing. :)Uncle Alphard ( ... )


snakes_heart November 27 2006, 18:37:20 UTC
Third time is the charmer!

And I don't think the Blacks would be that chummy with the Potters, so you're right, there's a good chance Alphard never heard of him.

As you know, our family never had that much contact with the Potters, except for Charlus Potter, who married Grand-Aunt Dorea. I don't recall ever hearing any comment about a William Potter. I imagine he's related to your good friend James? Maybe James's father can help you find out what book he's in.

Or you can try Nature's Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy. The Potters are purebloods and will undoubtedly be mentioned. It should be in the library at Grimmauld Place. I'm afraid I "forgot" to bring it with me when I moved out.

Glad you liked your gift. I know you'll put it to good use.


trickster_gryff November 27 2006, 19:44:35 UTC
:) Oh, and the icon you used the first time around? Oh, man, that's pretty. Talk about the Black good looks! YUM! :)

And that's pretty much what I figured. Sirius thought it was a long shot, but worth trying.

Yes, he could be related to James. That's one thing that got me thinking - how many Potters are there, really? We can ask James' dad, too. We're just trying out every possibility.

Thanks about the book. I'll be sure to take a look at it when I go home for Christmas.

Thanks again.


favourite_son November 27 2006, 18:00:48 UTC
Are you worried that people will forget your birthday, brother?


trickster_gryff November 27 2006, 19:28:35 UTC
What people? People like you?

I am only getting about half of my notifications and it's very troubling. *scowls at LJ*


favourite_son November 27 2006, 19:45:53 UTC
I shan't ask what you mean by that.
*clipped tone*
I know very well when your birthday is.

LJ's being terribly naughty recently. I think it wants a holiday spanking or something. *squishes*


trickster_gryff November 27 2006, 19:48:32 UTC
*equally clipped tone*
Well, so does everyone else, so you needn't lose sleep over it.

*considers for a moment, tone slightly softer*
Why? Don't tell me you were going to get me a present. *pauses* Were you?

LOL. Could be. *snuggles*


stagboy November 27 2006, 18:58:35 UTC
Did he know anything?


trickster_gryff November 27 2006, 19:06:29 UTC
Nah. Didn't think so, but it was worth a try, yeah? He gave me the name of a book to look in, but it's a genealogy. I don't think there'd be much mention of dodgy research in there. *sighs*


stagboy November 27 2006, 20:05:46 UTC
*rolls his eyes*
No offence to your Uncle but he's a bit daft. I know how I'm related to, it's what they got up to I'm interested in.


trickster_gryff November 27 2006, 20:40:14 UTC
He's not. I didn't tell him that he was your Uncle, did I? I asked him if he knew anything about William Potter and left it at that. I thought we weren't trying to spread about the whole reanimation of the dead thing. Should I have just said it straight out?


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