Announcement: The Remus Project

Jun 03, 2006 13:59

communiquills just had its FIRST ANNIVERSARY and our lovely founder, sopdetly/synodic_pup organized a challenge for us in celebration - writing letters to people with whom our characters are simultaneously at Hogwarts (something which is normally not allowed through the rules of the game). I think we all had a great deal of fun both reading and writing these letters.

And so, when an idea came up that expanded on this same idea and was a perfect opportunity to give a great big THANK YOU back to our wonderful mod, I naturally got ridiculously excited.

I hope you all enjoy what people have written for what I have summarily dubbed "The Remus Project". Please feel free to head over to cq_roundtable and see what we've done so far!


with love,

Thanks to everyone who has participated so far, especially everyone involved in the planning & organization of this project.

If you haven't submitted a letter yet and would still like to, keep an eye out here and at cq_roundtable for further instructions coming VERY soon!


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