SIRIUS BLACK: 12 November, 1973

Jun 02, 2006 14:53

The Good Lady Snuff ( Read more... )

1973, sirius_black

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synodic_pup June 2 2006, 20:36:48 UTC
I love this on a level that I can't even describe. Not even because of the plotty thing, but because I wish OotP!Hermione could see this so she'd shut UP about Sirius's being foul to Kreacher. Hmph. LOL.

What are you two up to?


trickster_gryff June 2 2006, 20:51:44 UTC
Hee, yay! :D LOL. Given, he is laying it on extra thick so she'll do what he wants her to, but... ;)

Up to? *grins, stuffing his hands in his pockets* Why is everyone always asking that?


synodic_pup June 2 2006, 21:03:47 UTC
Still, there must be some level of fondness, or else the thickness would be obviously a ploy ;)

*rolls his eyes*
I don't know about "everyone", but I'm saying it 'cuz your my mates and I know when you're up to something. *grins*


trickster_gryff June 2 2006, 21:10:52 UTC
True. :D Oh, c'mon. We all know he's just a big old softy. An arrogant, pig-headed softy, but a softy none-the-less. :P OH! and he is half-way through a comment to the other thread... so it will be coming at some point. :D

Well, then. There's half your answer. As for the rest of it... how's, erm... 'nothing interesting' sound? Nah. *waves his hand* Just helping James with some stuff. No big deal.


synodic_pup June 2 2006, 21:21:38 UTC
He is indeed. That's why we love him. *smooshes the both of you* And yay! *waits semi-patiently*

That wasn't half my answer. My question implied knowing that you were up to something. I just asked what. No big deal, though, you say. So, I'll just...erm. Stop asking.
*tries not to look too disappointed at being (he feels) obviously left out*

*thwaps him a bit and reminds him of Plausible Deniability*


trickster_gryff June 2 2006, 21:44:20 UTC
:P Hee *is smooshed and smooshes back* *attempts to clear out inbox. ;)

Er. *sighs* No, it's just... something to do with James' Uncle. It's really not a big deal, yeah? He found some old things of his and... that's all. Alright?



synodic_pup June 2 2006, 22:02:01 UTC

*eyes brighten with interest*
Yeah? Well, if you need any help... *stops and shrugs*
S'all right. Think I'm gonna go lie down a bit. Still a bit tired from...Saturday night, y'know?


trickster_gryff June 2 2006, 22:28:43 UTC
Yeah. If anything comes up I'll let you know, alright?
*brow knits*
Oh. Alright. Yeah. I... hope you feel better.


synodic_pup June 2 2006, 22:44:31 UTC
I'm sure you'll be fine, though.
*rolls his neck a bit*
M'alright. Bit stiff still, is all. Heh, pro'lly should've listened to Pomfrey when she said it was too early to go, huh?

btw, how big of a dork am I that I go check the moon schedule pretty much every time I go to comment on someone else's letter? XP


synodic_pup June 2 2006, 21:57:10 UTC
A pox on my house for my grammar! "your my mates" indeed...


trickster_gryff June 2 2006, 22:01:24 UTC
*smooches* No worries. I STILL can't spell "deliriously". *hugs*


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