Left on Regulus pillow after breakfast, along with some highly expensive chocolate.
Grow up, Reg.
I didn’t steal this from you. I didn’t even expect this. It’s not my fault! I thought you made a good prefect, for the record. I don’t have any clue why they decided to give it to me. I’m going to be awful. We both know it. I can’t handle responsibility. I’ll go to pieces and then they’ll see what a stupid choice they made in making me a prefect and you’ll get your badge back. Stop treating me like the enemy over this.
You know, maybe if you’d used your powers for what you were supposed to instead of putting your brother in detention all the time I wouldn’t have got your stupid badge in the first place.
If you can stop being such a child over this then I’ve got something really important to show you. I met him! In summer, I met him. Bella took me and he I’m one of his I’ve got this. He marked me. It’s so cool. It’s on my arm. I want to show you it. .
Come on, Regulus. Please. You’re being silly over nothing. Talk to me again.
I brought you chocolate and everything.
Yours, when you want me.