Dear Mother and Father (and Edgar & Oliver, by association),
Hogwarts is, well, nice. A bit larger than I expected, but I guess these things happen, don’t they? I know that the stories you always told, Dad, made Hogwarts out to seem positively massive, but I’ll confess, I did doubt you, but now that I’m here, I don’t think you were lying at all.
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*crosses his eyes*
So you're in Hufflepuff, huh, Mealy Sue, huh, huh?
I love your first letter! So glad you're here! *hugs*
*looks around to make sure no one is watching, then makes a face back*
So what if I am, Eddie? It's not...that bad. least I'm not a squib, like you could be!
Glad to be! *hugs*
I. Am. Not. A. SQUIB!!
*grins evilly*
Besides, everybody knows, being a Hufflepuff is just a step up from being a squib...
My goodness, he's being a bratty little brother!
Are too a Squib. See? Not a drop of magic in you!
*jaw drops*
*sticks out tongue*
No! Well..I was almost in Ravenclaw! Stupid, ruddy Hat. How about bed wetting? Think of the stories I can tell, Eddie!
Yes, he is being quite the brat, but she's not being much better!
I was little! Practically a baby! Everybody wets the bed once in awhile when they're little! Oliver did! And I bet you did, too!
*quietly, uncomfortably*
Oliver's nearly five and he did just the other night, actually...
*crosses arms*
You're still a baby and so is Oliver, so it's not his fault. Sometimes those things happen to little kids.
*suddenly perfectly calm*
I know it's not Oliver's fault...
He said he had a bad dream and that's why...
*looks away, uncomfortable* know...
...he wet the bed.
*sighs and nods*
Yes, that tends to happen, poor Ollie, it's not his fault, he really is a baby. As opposed to you, who just acts like one.
But I'm sure Mum took care of him and rocked him back to sleep.
I am not.
And I do not act like a baby...
Yeah, Blinky cleaned everything up while Mum rocked him back to sleep. And Mum told him that he didn't have to worry, that a monster didn't have you, that you'd just gone to school and that you'd be back...
*bites his lip*
I think you're just going to have to write home a lot, so we... *clears his throat* ...he won't miss you too much, you know?
*sobers up*
Oh, really? Poor Oliver, I..well, I'm not gone, I'm just here and I'll be back at Christmas holidays, but I'm sure Mum said that, didn't she? Poor him.
*sighs and nods*
I'll write home loads. I promise. For...Oliver.
I never!
*nods seriously*
Yeah... Mum told him all that...
*brightens a bit*
She said we could make a calendar, so we, I mean, he can mark off the days until you come home.
*adds quickly*
But you should write loads in the meantime...
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