Dear Dad,
What the HELL happened to me over the summer? I thought hanging out with Laura would set things straight oh god, NO pun intended, but here I am at school and it's a bit warm and Sirius's hair is curling around his ears and PLEASE MAKE IT STOP. Why can't I fancy ANYONE else? Why HIM? Damn him, so maddeningly perfect and incorrigible and OI IT'S NOT FAIR.
First week has gone fine. Like you said, the teachers are mad for OWLs this year. Won't you please let me drop Potions? I'm just rubbish at it! If I'm to have any hope of passing, I'll need a tutor. And the best people in my year are Lily Evans, and I can't ask her because James would get jealous and hate me probably, and Snape Snivellus Severus Snape, who is so out of the realm of possibilities it's not even the least bit funny.
Right. Suppose I ought to study then, and write Slughorn's essay. I promise to do my best and all, but keep that in mind when you start getting the delinquincy owls next month...
My love to Mum,