BLAISE ZABINI: 17 June, 1997

Jan 21, 2006 16:39

Dear Beppo,

I have a favour to ask you. A friend of mine has been cursed and we've been unable to discover the nature of the curse; he suffers horrible pains in his hands if I touch him, and he has two small cuts on his hips, little crosses that don't seem to heal. As I know you're more familial at certain brands of magic than I am, I would appreciate any advise that you might have.

If I tell you that I've become close to this boy you will know who might find cause to perform such a hex. Without reason, of course.

That bloody stupid

Yes, I know I've been stupid and I should have listened to you. No doubt you'll have time to tell me so many times over the summer, and to cure me from my foolishness.

But first I must find an end to this curse. Should you find a way to assist me, you know I shall be in your debt. I'm looking forward to paying you back.

Your affectionate cousin,


blaise_zabini, 1997

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