Six years. I miss you so much.
I miss dad more.
Not to take away from you and the fact that I miss you terribly every single day, but dad isn't the same. I haven't heard him laugh in ages. Circulation has been up with The Quibbler, so he's consumed with work. But the last few issues are suffering. The stories boring, and weak. They're not even as good as The Prophet. The Prophet! Mum, I wrote him the other day to ask for some information about the Rotfang Conspiracy within the Ministry with the Aurors, and a bit about Wackspurts, and he told me none of it was real. It was all just silly rumours, and I shouldn't fall for such silly things.
He was the one that broke that story!
Who is he? How do I fix him? Should I write to Uncle Gavin? Headmaster Dumbledore? William Weasley?
He misses you so much, mum. He's finally snapped.
Tell everyone and anyone I say hello.