Oct 06, 2004 20:45
last kiss: can't say
last kiss I enjoyed: shanna's kisses. they were the ones to melt my heart
last movie seen: completely? Pulp Fiction
last cuss word uttered: more than likely it was shit
last beverage drank: Lemonade
last food consumed: Raviolli
last crush: ashley smith :-D she's so awesome! shanna too, but she doesnt count i guess :(
last phone call: Ashley
last tv show watched: oh jeez i think it wsa called laguna beach
last time showered: earlier today, i'll prolly take another shower soon tho
last shoes worn: my work shoes
last item bought: sprite at work
last downloaded: The new Mewithoutyou cd
last annoyance: customers
last disappointment: love
last thing written: love
last words spoken: Ok. well if you call, that would make me extremely happy
last sleep: this mornin
last sexual fantasy: i havent had one in a while.
last ice cream eaten: been too long
last time amused: no clue
last time hugged: manda gave me a hug today...it was a half hug. i never get hugs anymore. shanna gave me about a million hugs the other night tho.
last chair sat in: the one at the kitchen table
last lipstick used: prolly like halloween 2001
last show attended: freakin a ultrasound!
last webpage visited: livejournal.com/users/commonunion/friends
day of the week: anyday :-/
least favorite day: no clue
flower: red roses
jello flavor: dont like jello much.
special skills/talents: i suck at everything. ask shanna. :(
shampoo: suave coconut!
summer/winter: between the two? summer! summer rules the world! but i do enjoy fall!
called you: ummmm i think it was *checks phone* that would be chris andrews witht he win!
slept in your bed: me of course.
saw you cry: shanna wins that one. im such a sucker for emotion :( i gotta stop. i gotta be tough.
made you cry: shanna.
last person you yelled at: shanna :(
sent you an email: no one sends me emails. :( i need love people bigdumbface@tmail.com ! send me stuff!
do you believe in love at first sight: i did. but after the events that happened. i dunno if i believe in love.
do you want children someday: i might be able to negotiate.
most important thing to you in a friendship: that they dont lie! they are trustworthy!
things you dislike most about yourself: shanna would say "im too judgemental" i dislike the fact that im a flirt
worst feeling in the world: the person you love, not desiring you anymore. and instead, having crushes on other people...even worse is them messing around with other people :(
best feeling: it used to be love.
how old do you look: 20ish
how old do you act: i dont freakin know. ask someone else
do you have any pets: i used to have a cat. whom i loved oh so much. i love hoosier and still get really sad thinking about her :(
do you get embarrassed: sometimes
what do you notice first: eyes. point blank. oooo and legs too :-D i <3 legs
last person you slow danced with: shanna would definetly be the answer. prom of last year. i think i danced with her then...maybe not. oh well.
makes you laugh the most: G-Luv, mitch, TONY!, Stephen, myself.
makes you smile: as of right now. ashley :) when i talk to her i can't stop smiling
can make you feel better no matter what: well we all know who it used to be, but now it's ashley again.
has a crush on you: freakin no one. ive been rejected like 3 times since ive been single. it sucks. write me if you have a crush.
sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: yah :-/ it's sad...but sometimes i get happy. if not i fall asleep. oh well.
save AIM conversations: i used to. i have some really deep deep convos! i wont ever show anyone tho
save Emails: i have like 50 bajillion from shanna....nice ones, mean ones, lovey ones, sad ones.
wear perfume: well cologne...gio.
romantic memory: none. im trying to get rid of those. they keep me close. and i start to cry :( im pathetic i know. well here's one...shanna and i were on the couch in the basement right before we first started dating, and we were watching shrek...and she started crying because she thought she wouldnt have me...and i held her in my arms, and i told her " next time we're on this couch the situation will be different" the next time we were at her house we were officially a couple. my how things change.
fallen for your best friend?: i don't know. i thought so.
made out with JUST a friend?: yup. shhhh dont tell anyone though. seriously.
been rejected: quite a freakin bit.
been in love?: doubtful
been in lust?: yes sir
been cheated on?: 2 times.
been kissed?: yup
done something you regret?: that's still in question
color your hair?: havent for a while...i need a new hairstylist now that shanna pretty much wants me out of her life we cant share kristy.
have piercings?: 3...2 in the ears and one somewhere special :)
have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: i wish
own a webcam?: nope
own a thong?: yup
ever get off the damn computer?: nope as long as i have my sidekick
sprechen Sie Deutsch?: used to
habla espanol?: hells no
quack?: sometimes
stolen anything?: yupo im wayyyyy past that stage though. that was so 10 years ago
smoke?: i smoked cigarettes for a total of three days of my life...i want that time back please.
schizophrenic?: possibly
obsessive compulsive?: haha we were discussing this today in the dorm and came to the conclusion that i in fact do have ocd.
panic: sadly enough, i used to have panic attacks...fought em off for like 2 years...but man they're comin back :(
anxiety?: same as above
depressed?: read above
long distance relationships: screw that.
killing people: death and destruction rules.
driving drunk: do what you do. i dont care anymore. i dont want to be "judgmental" and tell you that im against it.
gay/lesbian relationships: that's your own choice.
soap operas: ridiculous how people know what time it is by what show is on.3 general hospital 4 opera, 5 news, 530 home improvement, 6 that 70s show, 630 seinfeld.right?
food: no clue. i just like to eat on occassions
song at the moment: "A year from now" by across five aprils
clothes: my straightedge hoodie. Im edge and im damn proud, it's the only thing that hasnt backfired on me. FUCK DRUGS. FUCK DRINKING. Edge for life!
favorite band of all time: Pink Floyd
holiday: xmas. jesus' birthday
disney movie: alice in wonderland
scent: lovespell. rules all.
nickname: cam. cammy cam (micki), cammy cam cam (nadia...i miss you sooooo much), cammio i guess
pretty: im beautiful
funny: i rule at being funny
hot:very much so. just look at my freakin eyes.
friendly: nope because i am "judgemental"
amusing: doubt it
ugly: nope
loveable: not in the slightest...i can never keep a girl attracted to me :( no use in trying anymore :(
pessimistic: highly
optimistic: used to be, but now i see no reason to be.
caring: not really
sweet: used to be. the whole world changes right?
that was fun. sorry for people i piss off with it. right now im not in the best mood ever. i think i was blown off tonight. i have nothing to do now. im just gonna stop attempting to find new friends. i think from now on, im just gonna continue to wallow in the pain and hurt that shanna freakin gave me. and she keeps talkin about other guys and forgetting me. when i was the best thing she ever had. the best she'll ever have. i feel sorry. no one will treat her like an angel. i hope everytime she looks at her ring, she gets tears in her eyes. i hope she dies a little bit more...but that will never happen. so oh well. keep on truckin negros. i hate life.