Primeira ovada, a photo by
MariBiasutti on Flickr.In Brasil, we celebrate our friends' birthdays with eggs and flour. Secrecy is of the utmost importance. Those with the know-how prick holes in the eggs a few days before and bury them so that they rot in time for the celebration. The flour is hidden behind a bush or wall near the place the birthday celebrant will unsuspectingly walk by. By some invisible sign, everyone pounces on them at the same time. Tough boys sometimes fight back and get some of the goo on their assailants. If there's a swimming pool in the vicinity, the egging ends in there - regardless of new shoes or clothes.
This was a ritual in my pre-pubescent and teen years. Maybe some continued to celebrate in this fashion in their 20s, but not my gang. It's all just a memory now, alongside everything else from the 80s.