Sleeping Boys

Oct 06, 2010 20:38

A boy and a kitten asleep on the London Underground
Originally uploaded by alison laredoLong day at work then the struggle to get home in packed Tube trains. Find a seat in the Central line and listen to my iShuffle as the doors open and close at each station.

An Indian family enter the carriage and the mother sits down with her baby on one knee and a seven-year-old boy on the other. The father stands and takes care of the carrier. When the person beside me leaves, the mother quickly orders the boy to take the empty seat. I close my eyes and fall into a half-sleep. Feel a nudge against my side and realise that a warm head is resting against me. I'm a giant pillow for the next few stops.

wink_martindale is preparing curry for dinner. I want to lie on the couch for the rest of the evening reading a good book and listening to music.

going underground, suffer little children, sing me to sleep, east west

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