Aug 19, 2009 20:10
I walk through Victoria Park every day. On my way home today, I got the shock of my life: a large white stripe had been painted by the border of the pond, from one edge to the other. And the following words were painted in large font by it, every 20 feet or so: Caution Water
I'm very glad Tower Hamlets Council decide to alert me of this otherwise it was very likely I'd walk straight into the pond.
In the coming weeks, I expect the following to appear:
Near trees - Caution Branches and Leaves Above
On the paths - Caution Fast Cyclists Runners Baby Carriers Dogs Drunks Litter
By the benches - Caution Don't Stand on Bench When Wet and also Caution Back May Hurt if Slept On
Hanging off the necks of all geese - Caution May Stare at You in Threatening Manner
Or the Council could just employ all the people struggling to find a job at the moment to meet people like myself as soon as we step outdoors and then follow us around issuing warnings for all aspects of life.
push th' little daisies,
mile end,
viva hate,
lifeguard sleeping girl drowning