Heroes Just for One Day

Sep 16, 2007 11:16

BBC2 held a Heroes marathon last night - six uninterrupted episodes, with only a few breaks placed like pit stops for leg stretches and toilet visits. My ass hurts today. It was my chance to catch up with the "most talked about show this season" and see what all the fuss was about.

Heroes is very enjoyable and a good way to kill time in front of the television. It clearly wouldn't exist if Lost hadn't been a success, but I suppose that's OK; any attempt to bring sci-fi and high production values to TV is welcome, whatever its form or reason. Like a good soap, it hooks you in straight away, and has enough dose of lightness (the japanese hero Hiru) and darkness (the serial killer *shiver*) to keep proceedings addictive. The only downside is a child that can't act (the son of the schizophrenic stripper). Finding a good child actor is just as hard as winning the lottery.

I collected superhero comics throughout the 80s. I read both Marvel and DC, but occasionally dipped into anything different that made its way to Brasil (Akira for example.) Towards the end of the 80s, there was an attempt by a new American company to launch superheroes that broke away from tradition. These heroes were ordinary folk across the world who suddenly discovered they had superpowers, after a particularly creepy full eclipse. Their stories were basically a search for why they suddenly developed powers, coupled with their daily life struggles. Sounds familiar? I'd like to know if the creator of Heroes was also involved with these comics, or if he "borrowed" from them. Does anyone remember these comics? Do you remember what they were called? If they ever decide to sue the makers of Heroes, they'd make a killing in court.

If you could have the powers of one of the characters in Heroes, which one would it be?
That's easy: Hiro's power to bend the space/time continuum. I'd like to go back in time and change a few things; and it would also be amusing to win every game of Scrabble against suzi or get my monthly rent from bank vaults without a CCTV registering me. The sky is the limit with that kind of power.

*Laughs Muwahahahaha and pets white cat sitting on my lap*

the sun always shines on tv, strangeways here we come, the book lovers, traffic jam in memory lane, reader meet author, sci-fi lullaby

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