Dec 19, 2004 11:48
You step into a room with a seemingly endless ceiling and see your two best friends (fabricated only for this dream) standing aside a tall-but-thin man clad in black. Behind the three lies an infinite pool filled with a lava-like substance. The man explains that the lava is humanity. Anyone brave enough to be truly human may survive it unscathed, but anyone even a little bit afraid of who they are will be burnt by it and left in pain.
Without even thinking, you dive in. But there is a second you (a ghost you) watching in awe. You assume that you didn't really think you would make it.
Inside of the lava, is your house, sort of warped and floating and transparent.. not truly "real". You find yourself inside one of its hallways looking at a partially opened door behind which your dad is standing. The room is filled with spiderwebs and darkness, and your father is attempting to capture some of the vicious-looking spiders. Not particularly enthralled by that scene, you walk in the direction of your living room, where you find five strange rats in a cage on the table next to where your mother and brother are sitting. There is also a cage full of spiders, and your brother finds it a good idea to conbine the two types of creatures into one cage. Because of your love for rats and fear for spiders, you are appalled and fear that the rats may be bitten and hurt by the spiders, but you cannot bring yourself to save them because you are so terribly frightened.
Suddenly, the rats all turn into miniature plush toys, and you are left in more fear than ever. You do not wish to turn into a plush toy yourself, so you turn abruptly and run, but you are in slow-motion and trip, even. You're not going anywhere; there is no hope. Thankfully, you wake up, heart racing and face sweaty.
This is the queerest dream of all.