Dec 10, 2006 23:06

I just got back from an open air spoken word gathering in Basin Reserve that I only just heard about this afternoon at the Poetry Studio. It was quite enjoyable. I ate chocolate, had a few wines with some bloke from Dunedin, listened to Graeme lecture me on cricket and the history of Basin Reserve right from the year dot, and performed my rant about the Myspace phenomenom entitled El Mutante Does Not Want To Be Your Friend.

Seeing it was the first outing of its kind, and of an impromtu and informal nature, we had no PA. Which was fine by me 'cos it provided an excellent excuse for a nice spot of shouting. I did myself proud. It was some quality shouting and then some. Brian Blessed himself would have wept at the sheer shoutiness on it, wrung out his tear stained beard and heartily slapped me on the back. When you're outside and unmiked, you need to be nice and theatrical. Word is that we might have another one in the Botanical Gardens. I might have to learn something Shakespearean, so I can be shouty and cultured.

In other news:

This is old. There were freaks wearing pyjamas in public at Hagley Community College way back in '95. Trendsetters we were. Of course I never indulged in such frivolity, but one guy even had a teddy bear. He was carted away by shrinks at one point, if I remember rightly. Although when I worked at the local community gardens back in 2000, I was occasionally known to turn up to do some weeding in my pyjamas. I didn't mind them getting dirty and it was the only time they got worn 'cos I don't usually wear anything in bed 'cos it's uncomfortable and sweaty.

Kids today...

outdoors, spoken word, shouting, poetry

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