Burn Ward / Salty Degs / "Ben A-Dick Arnold is their lead singer / Comic Mockery

Aug 19, 2007 14:05

maltlick and Misty: YOU ARE ON BURN NOTICE.

For those not in the know but still in the care, I've been collecting folk songs and chanteys. I'm at seventy-seven, and that's a pretty hefty number.

Besides putting them in alphabetical order (sadly, if I do, I can't have the last song be The Last Shanty), I still need the missing verse from I'm a Rover dealing with the farmer this dude must obey and the verse from Johnny Come Down the Hi-lo about the girl with the blue dress on. I need to find the Johnston Sisters and find out if the version of Fire Down Below that they sang is the same one that I have, because fuck if I can remember it. I need to pay attention next time Tim and Cliff do Rolling Home, The Going Home Song, The Coachman, New York Girls (which seems longer than I recall) and One More Day to see if I have the same versions. I need lyrics to the last of the Rueban Ranzo triology, which I remember nothing of (I have The Wild Goose and Ruben Ranzo).

Also, great band name: Pene-Traitor.

Use Your Words, a case study of Comic Book Resources' "CBR News: Girls in Costumes @ Wizard World Chicago '07":

What is also not widely reported is the fact that girls go to comic book conventions.

This just in, some breaking news: Girls like things. Footage at 11:00.

"Oh, yeah!" she said, her face lit uptwisted into a frown and she began convulsing while talking about Michael Turner and his version of Supergirl.

Actually, just fixing a typo here.

Spade was dressed as Black Canary, and went on about other costumes she's made, including a lady pirate for a short film

Thanks for the clarification. That's the problem with people - sometimes they use gender-biased language, such as "pirate" or "mechanic" or "cop" or "doctor" and you have NO IDEA they meant it was a LADY they were talking about.

I wonder if the lady pirate costume included hot-pants or a mini-skirt?

She said she didn't follow "every single title" but showed that she knew what she was talking about as a comics fan, including credentials as a colorist for Particle 9

Yeah, but how many Robins can she name?

"My boyfriend was going to come as Bruce Willis, but he couldn't get his costume ready in time,"

What, is she dating John Benjamin or did his Receeding Hairline just not make it in the mail in time?

NOTE TO SELF: Pick up stones for my glass house.

Myth #3: Girls don't make their own costumes.

This is a myth? What? Who believes that? There's actually a myth stating that girls DON'T sew? What world is THIS in? I thought the whole cos-play thing was made extry special huggy by making your own costumes. Where would you BUY a crotchless zombie fucksuit if you weren't gonna make it yourself?

For the Zatanna costume, Gorski said the hardest part was getting a top hat and bowtie that looked right. To complete the outfit -- and promotion for the booth -- she had a sign shaped as a word balloon with the name of the company's website -- all written backwards, of course.

Which, truth be told, is actually pretty awesome.

Liga Circene, 19, from Latvia, was in Chicago visiting relatives and, being a manga fan, went to Wizard World to explore and have fun but was asked early on to wear an Evil Supergirl costume as part of a promotion

* Distended abdomen not included, thank God.

Myth #5: Girls can't be Stormtroopers.

Now I KNOW you're just making shit up. Myth #14: English people can fly.

They're instantly recognizable, they show the intense level of dedication that must go into making and wearing the costumes, and those wearing the costumes often travel in packs.

Because they don't have any other friends, kieran001.

And even if Marie wasn't dressed up in costume, she's a comic-convention celebrity just the same, being the girlfriend of comics superstar J. Scott Campbell, whom she met as a fan when he was doing a signing.

Remember ladies, if you want to be a "celebrity" all you have to do is sleep with a "superstar" like J. Scott Campbell.


"We're the 'Brangelina' of the comic convention," Marie laughed, though she was sure to credit Campbell with coming up with the line.

"But no, seriously, he's the funny one in the relationship. I'm the woman."

fp, comics

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