Leaving (temporarily) on a Jet Plane

Oct 02, 2006 10:14

Well, I'm supposed to be writing more these days. I seem to be doing okay until the weekend rolls around and then I get caught up in being this real person with a real life and then all my writing goes quiet. I'm not complaining or blaming really... more like reminding myself of the reason(s) why I say one thing and do another. But I am writing MORE than I have been in quite a while and that is good. "Better to aim for the stars..." and all that.

Tonight I will be flying to the East Coast to visit my family for two weeks. I was there last December for the Christmas holiday, but things were so frantic and rushed that I didn't feel like I really had enough time to make the most of being there. This visit ought to (hopefully) be different (although when do any of us really get "enough" time to do everything that we want). Fortuitously, the timing of my visit will also be coinciding with my favorite time of year, the beginning of fall with all of its visually brilliant changes of season. I haven't experienced a fall on the East Coast in the past 7 years and I really miss it. I hope to take many pictures with which to illustrate the reason for this love of mine (stay tuned!)

I'd like to write much, much more but I haven't done any preparation for my departure yet (only 12 hours to go!) and I need to get cracking on it. I'll re-surface sometime in the next few days with more ramblings. Until then.... a random (yet powerful) clip from the movie Network (1976). Sadly, it seems even more appropriate now than ever before. See you soon.

*Oh yeah - Random Occurance From This Past Weekend: I got to ride the Tilt-A-Whirl with Jen on Saturday! I haven't been on one of those since I was a little kid. It was hella fun, and it was all thanks to Jen. I would have taken pictures but, you know, I couldn't really move or anything.*

trip, family, television, media, video

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