Aug 22, 2005 22:49
And so begins another semester at Vanderbilt - where it's not fun unless there's alcohol and you're not fun unless you're fall down drunk. I'm a drinker and STILL the sense of this place's obsession with alcohol is sickeningly overbearing. Yep, glad to be back where I'm a wimp for saying "that's plenty" and going to bed before four a.m.
It just irritates me, I don't know why. I think it's because it's been a long weekend and I'm tired and most everything bothers me right now. Like being away from home. Summer was too long - it let me get re-comfortable with all my home friends and made it WAY too hard to leave. Oh well, I'm here now, gotta make the best of it. It'll be better when classes start when I'll have other stuff to think about and to worry about.
I'm tired of being so self-critical. I've gotten much less so, but I'm still just as miserable as far as the "personal life" goes. It's gone from "I don't deserve anyone like that" to "I DO deserve someone like why the crap are they ignoring me?!?!"...I don't know which is worse.
This entry is entirely too pathetic and depressing, I think I'll go ahead and end it now.