48 hours from 10:00pm this evening ill be in JACKSONVILLE! Huzzah!

Mar 02, 2005 12:30

I'm going HOME! I'm going HOME! Tra la la la la la la la LA LA la LA!

My hair's getting really long and getting really SWEET at the same time!

I get to see my doggie! And my family! And my new car! THAT'S RIGHT! NEW car! I don't know how much longer the autotrader ad will be up, but here it is!!!!! http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=175432017&dealer_id=55717557&car_year=2000&make=ACURA&distance=25&lang=en&max_price=&model=INTEG&end_year=2006&min_price=&certified=&address=32003&search_type=both&advanced=&start_year=1981&isp=y&cardist=7


A couple Sundays from now they're doing a Comedy Central Roast of Jeff Foxworthy. This will probably be the most entertaining television show in the history of mankind and I encourage all of you to watch.

Look out Orange Park, here I come! BREAK IT DOWN TABOADA STYLE!!!!
"oooo-ooo-oooo-ooo....slurp....smack.....ooo-oooo-ooo-ooo-AAAA-AAAA-AAA....gargle gargle...*burp*".
Yay for her being an ape!
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