So a few days ago, my poor laptop crapped out on me. The fan was overloaded with nasty stuff, and it succumbed to pure on gross. I got a new fan, I'm having it replaced but it'll take about a week to get here from Hong Kong and I'm sadly on borrowed interwebs.
Now while this means I can't get a lot of done - my resume being one of them, GRRRR, this means I can't do things that I enjoy. Namely, finishing my AU!Dean and Cas story, and working on the last part of Plan -- and of course, working on my new crack Supernatural fic for December. (Super, super crack. I blame
Why is this aggravating to me? WELL, because the Supernatural fandom has become recently saturated with a lot of really dark, angsty stuff. And don't get wrong, I like angsty stuff as much as the next girl -- I watch Supernatural, remember? Still, it's around Christmas - our hiatus is a long one - and I was looking forward to writing something cheerful for all of us.
It didn't become a burning desire though, until I read a fic recently that just ... it made my blood boil. I was literally angry, which is weird, although I do love a good emotional response -- the characterizations were so off they just made my teeth grit together.
SO. Suffice to say. When I return to the land of the Writing fulltime? Expect a lot of happy-funny-good-time endings, folks. I kind of need them to get the Acid Taste Of Hate out of my mouth.