Jul 24, 2006 07:32
i had a good night last night :) me and joey just sat around together, it was nice. its been weird for me ever since i got back. i havent felt all meish and i hate seeming like im off with everyone :( its stoopid.
ANYHOOOO today im all off work and happy because i hate the fucking place :D :D :D!!! me and Saharalara went oot this weekend!!!? twas a hoot! we went to bar 15, again, and danced on minimal alcohol! Pr0PEr BuzZIn'?!gfhsy we also played karaoke in which i proceeded to kick ass with my awesome talent and ultimate skill?!(not..) Sarah sings 9-5 like dolly Herself?! my god!!!
kkk so stuff im going to do today... bugger all springs to mind! my feetses are all achey from standing on them for over 20 hours, its not EASY to carry me around you know!so yeahhh oooooowwww :( i think/hope everyone else is out today! i like just being by myself in the day sometimes. i can do whatever the hell i want! :) mmmmm my face is all smoothypie :) bye bye x oooooo rhyme!
ps sometimes i think mum just come to the computer to ask me stuff to read what im writing, GODODODODODDoooooooooo i need moe privacy!!?!