Here I'll post belatedly to say that, hooray I live, and as of May 21st I have graduated from law school! Well, they haven't sent me the diploma (not all of our grades are yet due, and you know how professors take their time with grading) but in theory I am done. Three long years I may have enjoyed and hated in turn, but am undeniably happy to say I completed.
This is the bit in which normally one would add, "And now life begins!" But alas, this is not so: first I must leap the unpleasant hurdle of the California Bar. I fear it's already eaten up my life and I'm not sure I'm actually fit company to be let out into public. After July I hope to regain human form and once again see daylight.
And because the lovely
nakedbee was gracious enough to take graduation photos of me, I'll post one quickly now as proof of just how silly the hat was.
With that brief update out of the way, I return to my perusal of the various forms of homicide and the differences between burglary and larceny.