Christmas Commercials, Really Now?

Oct 01, 2010 17:01

I admit up front, I don't like Christmas, for both for religious and personal reasons: it's a non-holiday for me based on religious preference, and a day on which my family growing up seemed more prone to argument that happy holly jolly celebratory cheer - though once we turned it into a "watch Star Wars day" things noticeably improved. To cap it all off, it is a day of rampant and bloated consumerism, and it's non-secular-still-very-Christian-yet-masquerading-as-secularism really bugs me, but is an entirely different rant.

That said, and no matter how you personally feel about the Christmas, the holiday is celebrated on December 25th. That is 85 days from now, almost three full months. And?

I should not be hearing Christmas commercials on the radio already!
No! No no no no! And it wasn't just some vague "holiday cheer" thing, this was full jingle bells in the background, Mr. and Mrs. Claus talking to elves about gifts bullshittery. My only regret was being so blindsided by this extremely advanced ad that I didn't note who or what was being advertised. If they ever had my business, such will dry up like spilled water in the Sahara if and when I find out who it was. I wish I could smack them on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.

Christmas, please try not to spoil my Halloween, okay? Thanks.

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