Desination: Syracuse, NY
So tomarrow morning/later today however you want to see it I will be heading out to Syracuse for the Path of Resistance Reunion show one time only..
I'm sure it will be a fucking blast.
I will meet Aly in North Jersey at 9:30 and hopefully hit my aunts in Syracuse at 2:30 if eveything goes right.
Then head to the venue around 4 and chill and hopefully see some faces befor we enter in.
There will be a ton of pictures and dancing to go around..
I will be wearing something similar to this...
Expect a full update upon my return with a bunch of pictures..
I will have my cell with me if ya need it..
till then.. Jam to..
Counter - Path of Resistance
from day one schools - peers - media push us to fit in certain ways
intimidated - shamed - pressurized into an untrue identity the bastard mob
who's aim it is to keep me in check can't hold me down with their mockeries
or put that noose around my neck those brainless clones repulse me so I'll
walk alone all I need is one friend called truth and my heart is its home
this world won't defeat me I won't be a victim to the venomous ways
around me this hellish environnement is not my master day upon day I've
listened to your threats year upon years I've watched you deteriorate I have
my own mind now I make my own choices and am my own lord in these days from
now on this world won't defeat me