(no subject)

Nov 26, 2007 22:33

Heroes spoilers, duh.

-I'm glad they showed the eyeball growing back again, because it is OMGbadass
-Elle is still awesome
-Mohinder is trying really hard not to be a tool: still failing. Still funny.
-Sylar/Maya/Alejando plot went exactly where I thought it would. Many people thought Maya would be the one to go, but I'm glad it wasn't, because I found her more interesting than her brother. There is a lot to explore with her power and I'm hoping she won't die next week. Please, take Niki instead.
-David Anders is really hot. Even if he is pooping in the woods.
-Not enough Molly.
-Not enough Claude. (He's in LA now, as I've heard, so if the strikes really are resolved, as I've also heard, then perhaps in volume 3? hanging on by a thread of rumors)
-Can West be the other casualty? Kill Niki and West.
-Please don't kill Mama Petrelli! She's too fabulous!
-Can George Takei narrate episodes from now on? Like Mary-Alice narrating on Desperate Housewives. PLEASE?!
-I hope that in volume 3, they develop Sandra Bennet a bit more. I feel like there's a really cool character lurking under the surface. This was cemented when I saw her holding the gun and realized that she has potential. The Bennets could be the most badass family ever, maybe. Lyle should just never have any lines so he can be the silent kind of badass. He'll just do nothing for several seasons and then one day, blow up a building. It will be awesome. Or they can go with my other idea of having him played by a different actor every episode and no one notices.

heroes, older british men

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