With rumors, interviews and what's been released so far, I'm making a few Marvel Civil War predicions... ahh, boredom
We know that the Fantastic Four Line up is changing. I'm guessing Sue is going to leave along with her bother (thusly leaving me open to ship Namor/Sue, OTP!!), because I don't think Ben would leave Reed and I don't think that Johnny would stay with Reed if his sister left. I'm hoping she joins the new hinted-at Alpha Flight with Cap. I'm pedicting the new members will be She-Hulk and Hawkeye, which would be awesome.
As said above, I predict the return of Hawkeye. *squee*
Also said above, I think Sue and Reed will divorce and I think Sue will swich side halfway through after going in with Reed on Tony's side.
In other news, I'm really excited about Ultra being greenlit for a pilot. I think it would be a really neat show as long as they stay fairly true to the comic.