This is public. It needs to be.

Mar 28, 2006 22:46

Duke lacrosse team suspended after allegations of gang rape. Most of the team was apparently at the party; however, no one has come forward about what happened. This happened over spring break, but the story only became public late last week. All but one of the players have been DNA tested, and the Duke President has suspended the team while the investigation is pending.

The players are all fully within their rights to not say anything about what happened, as disgusting and repugnant as it makes them. (And maybe open to charges for hindering prosecution.) The school is fully within its rights to exert its influence and encourage them to talk. This is such a powder keg already -- you have sexual assault, race issues, Duke/Durham, and athletes. I'm not sure what I think -- I don't even have enough facts to form a basis for my opinion yet. If what she says is true, then it's horrible. But I'm really uncomfortable with the way some people seem to be holding the entire team guilty. I have no problem with them suspending the games. I have a huge problem with publishing all the players' names, especially when no one's been charged, and when several people weren't even present.

The victim's version of events.

An alumnus' perspective.

Really good editorial about it.

Blog created for case updates.

Deadspin also has a post about it; it lists the names of all the players, so I'm not linking to it.

I hate that I keep seeing both sides of every issue here. It makes me wonder what law school's done to me.


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