Too lazy to be original

Oct 01, 2009 18:27

Because I'm as lazy as a Swede these days I'm just going to steal a post from (go there).

Diego De Rose of Wujoco Animation in Argentina shares this little gem with us. Angel Vitamina began as an idea for an animated short, but now exists as a trailer for an as-yet-unmade feature film. It looks mighty impressive. The Angel Vitamina site has more info, a photo gallery, and a fun character gallery.

image You can watch this video on

ANGELVITAMINA - TRAILER 1 from Diego De Rose / wujoco animation on Vimeo.

And a bonus!

image Click to view

Ella ja Aleksi is a Finnish duo consisting of two children. The project was founded in 2004 by Markus Koskinen of the band Teleks and Sampo Haapaniemi of Egotrippi. It released an album named Lenni Lokinpoikanen (Lenni the Baby Seagull) which went platinum (30,000 sold copies) and stayed on the top four of the Finnish charts for four weeks. The latest album is Kolme muskettisopulia (The three musketeer lemmings) 2005.

The band’s lyrics are about human relations, family, and close surroundings. For example, the lyrics of the radio hit MC Koppakuoriainen (MC Beetle) are about the importance of parenting and not bullying others.
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