16 dieciséis: Idkmybff ....is a freaken crocodile

Sep 09, 2011 11:11

[Cuba was out for another day of wishing he wasn't stuck in this American town, when he notices the large package by the mailbox. Opening it up he finds a familiar face....of a kind.

A. Outside the house. There is a crocodile outside the house. Cuba is grinning. That is never good.

B. Showing the crocodile the park. Hope you aren't in the water.

C. ( Read more... )

marco, regain, america your houses suck, best regain, be afraid spain

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C walking_nuke September 9 2011, 23:26:01 UTC
[Over near 847 Goldberg Street, Balin's outside sitting in a lawn chair busily cleaning his Colt .45. He's wearing his full AFS PT uniform again, now that the damage has been fixed.]

[Cuba's passing insults of all things American catches his ear, though. He glances up with an somewhat indignant look on his face.]

I wouldn't let Mayfield be'a judge'a that.

[He's got a pretty obvious Philadelphian accent.]


commie_island September 9 2011, 23:33:25 UTC
[And have a strong Cuban accent.]

Town didn't need to convince me.


walking_nuke September 10 2011, 00:01:39 UTC
Yeah? Why's'at?

[Bslin says that a bit sourly. He can't easily distinguish the Cuban accent from other Spanish-influenced ones, so he doesn't pick up on the implication.]


commie_island September 10 2011, 00:03:09 UTC
Because I know America and he's a fucking bastard that likes to make the world think he's a hero.


1/2 walking_nuke September 10 2011, 00:12:25 UTC
[Some things never change, do they? At first, Balin takes it a bit personally. At first, his voice is dripping with sarcasm.]

Well gee, thanks-

[Then he stops. He just treated his nation as a person. That means-]


walking_nuke September 10 2011, 00:14:21 UTC
[-Aaaaaand one free hand meets his face in a facepalm.]

-Fuck. Okay, I get it. Which one are you?


commie_island September 10 2011, 00:17:05 UTC
I'm Cuba.


walking_nuke September 10 2011, 00:26:00 UTC
Okay, so that makes you Living Nation Number Four I've met.

[Cuba's actually the fifth, but Switzerland didn't introduce himself when Balin briefly met him in July.]


commie_island September 10 2011, 00:37:52 UTC
There's a lot of us.


walking_nuke September 10 2011, 00:46:26 UTC
[He might have heard that before from one of the others, but he still has to giggle.]

Jeez, what'a hell's this town tryin'a pull? Is it tryin'a kidnap you all so it can say "the world came to Mayfield" or what?

[Dem Hetalians, sappin' Balin's sanity meter.]


commie_island September 10 2011, 00:47:32 UTC
No clue.

[Well an American is insane. Somehow he's not surprised.]


walking_nuke September 10 2011, 01:25:43 UTC
[Balin gets his giggle fit under control, rubbing the side of his forehead with his free hand.]

Ahright, you gave me your name, fair's fair.

I'm Sergeant First Class Balin Wilbur, of'a Army of Allied Free Sentients.


commie_island September 10 2011, 23:10:39 UTC
Army of Allied ...what?

That like the UN or something?


walking_nuke September 10 2011, 23:12:42 UTC
It includes what's left of Earth, yeah.


commie_island September 10 2011, 23:13:17 UTC
...What's left?

What happened to the rest of it?


walking_nuke September 10 2011, 23:15:44 UTC
[Looking a bit solemn now.]

We got hit by an alien superpower called'a Bane.

It's 2014 where I'm from. I ain't seen Earth in seven years.


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