Birthday Conundrum!

Sep 24, 2005 23:36


I thought that I would have an extra special birthday update. I’m on livejounral a lot, but I never update. I don’t know why. But, either way, my birthday was just cool enough in my opinion to warrant this. So, here it is.

I had Friday, my birthday, off from school, some silly pro-d day. I didn’t care; it gets me out of school. I had already gotten most of my presents, the Sims 2 nightlife, 50 dollars for records the previous Sunday, and my library fines were in the process of being paid off. I got up, had breakfast, played a little bit of Lego, and then me, my sister, brother, and mother, went to toys r us to get me Lego. I got another giant gray board, something I got first when I was like 8, and I got a grand central station world city set that has revolving doors, that, get this, revolve!

So I go home, and have lunch. Then Evan and me go to value village. I steal some shit. Then we got to the Richmond animal protection society thrift store, where I buy some random shit and steal some movies. Then its off to the pet store to get Stanford his anniversary present, as it was out anniversary. I got him a pet tag in the shape of a red heart. Evan leaves earlier, and it takes 10 times as long as it should, but I finally get home with the stuff. I shower, and sit, and then rid my bike to Richmond center to lock it up before going to dinner with my dad. We go to greens and gourmet, which is an Indian flavored vegetarian buffet I had a gift certificate to. It was ok, but the spicy chicken shit was so not spicy. Then we (Evan and me) get dropped off at Granville station, because we were meeting Linda and Nadia. We meet them, and are really bored for like 2 hours, then we take the skytrain and bus, meet up with shinade and kya, and go to queen Elizabeth Park.

Evan leaves now, I don’t think he was ever having fun in the first place, but then again, there’s only one reason to hang out with other teens, which is to get fucked up together. Or at least in my case, that is usually the case. Hanging out with Linda, or getting fucked up. Well, Evan is my age to, but he’s my brother so other rules apply. But anyways, he leaves, right before the “fun” starts.

We all fund the people, and immediately start smoking up. I get a whole bowl of hash to myself, it was a birthday bowl they said, and fuck, I got screwed! Then, they pack a few more, but then they lose the rest!  So we meet with other people, and this other kid named Daniel I knew had like 7 grams on him, and he gave me like ½ a gram! So I smoke up that, and share of course, and then I’m just there being a random fucking crazy for a while, and everyone keeps talking about how I’m funny, and I keep repeating everyone’s name, because, for some reason, when I am totally stoned, I MUST learn everyone’s names! It’s the funniest and most random thing at the time! But then I have to leave at like 1230.

I fucking go through this random bushes which takes like 5 minutes, but I almost die, and the get to the bus stop. As far as I know, I only smoked pot, but people were saying that, from how I was acting, it was probably laced with speed. Either way, I get on the bus, and for ten minutes prior to getting on the bus, and until I get on the 98-b line, I am sitting there repeating this line from the Beatles song “I’m down.” I thought it was necessary at the time.

So I get on the 98-b, and then lie down, and get up at 41st, and say, o, it’s so long to Richmond! I lay down again. Bad choice. The next time I wake up, I’m at the LAST stop, which is at shell and Steveston highway, which is FAR from Richmond center where glory is locked, and even farther from home. I was so fucked. I was stoned out of my MIND, less than a full idea where I was, and unsure how to get from bumble squat Richmond to home. Dead wasn’t the half of it.

But its funny how things can work out. I was walking along, and this taxi stops. Do you know why it stopped? I would learn that the guy thought I was a girl in trouble, my bag a purse, and that I needed help! So he said he would drive me to Richmond center for what ever I could give him. I had like 2 bucks in change, maybe. So her drives me there, which in my state of mind was SO FUCKED UP and I give him the change, offer him my rings, and then get out. It’s so cool when people are cool. So I ride glory home, and then get ready and fall asleep.

I get up at 430 and go and fall asleep on my brothers bed, and then wake up at 630 and go back to my room.

I still don’t know why.

Today I took a food safe course, so now I am food safe certified. I aced the test, which I thought was hilarious because half of the time when I should have been paying attention, I was dozing off because I got like NO sleep last night, because I got home at like 230 and fell asleep at 3!

And that was that. Here is a map illustrating what happened last night about where I was. Pink was where I got off the bus, blue is Richmond center, and orange was home.

Fuck, that is blurry. I worked it out. If the guy hadn’t stopped, it was 10 km to my house, 6km to Richmond center, walking, stoned, at 2am. Bye.

The End

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