Monday - Canon Ships

Aug 17, 2009 06:00

I'm atomic89 and I'm gonna be hosting here for the next few days. Hi!

To start out the week I'm gonna go got a fairly simple theme Canon Ships, because the need love as well. The line between a canon ship and a ship that has a canon basis is a very thin one, so I'm not gonna be too picky ( Read more... )

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Dollhouse, Whiskey/Alpha, Broken trillianastra August 17 2009, 17:19:57 UTC


It’s been very quiet recently. Whiskey hasn’t seen any of the others for a long time, and she hasn’t swum or painted or had a treatment for even longer.

These days she just walks, or stands looking at things, or sleeps.

She sleeps a lot, these days.

She’s walking around the room that used to be where they exercised, drifting along slowly, when she glimpses something in the shadows, and hears a voice.”

“Hello, Whiskey.”

She freezes on the spot, eyes wide, knowing instantly who it is. The one… the one who… slowly she reaches up and touches her face, tracing the lines of scars that are no longer visible.

“Hey, ain’t you gonna say hello? An’ here I am bein’ all polite to ya… c’mon, Crystal, play along…”

The voice sounds different, but the same. He called her Crystal.

“My name is Whiskey.”

“Huh? No, you’re Crys- oh, yes, I know who you are.” The voice changes again, sounds like the one who… the one whose name she can’t think.

“C-come out of the shadows…”

“As you wish,” his words mock her, as he steps from the shadows and smiles insincerely.

“Everyone left. They went… away.”

“ ‘Course they did, babe… hey, at least we can be together now, right? You an’ me against the world, just like we said…” He sounds different again. Whiskey frowns.

“Why are you here?”

“I’m not,” He shrugs nonchalantly, “You’re all broken up into pieces. You’ve gone mad. If you weren’t, I wouldn’t be here now.” He pauses thoughtfully. “Or maybe I would, but you wouldn’t be able to see me… either way, you’re mad. Get used to it, darlin’.”

“What is mad?”

“Crazy? Not all there? Loopy?” He studies her face, shakes his head. “Never mind. You wouldn’t understand anyway. You’re broken. Might not look like it, since they fixed your face… but you’re broken, all right. Broken into tiny li’l pieces.”

“I’m broken,” she pauses, looks at him wide-eyed, and adds “How can I be my best if I’m broken?”

He grins at her, and says gleefully, “You can’t.” Then he turns and walks away, disappearing back into shadow.


Re: Dollhouse, Whiskey/Alpha, Broken juliet316 August 25 2009, 02:06:06 UTC
*sniffles* Poor Whiskey.


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