Saturday: Lonely Prompt Challenge - Day 1

Aug 08, 2009 01:01

Welcome to the weekend everyone! It's Saturday, which means it's Lonely Prompt Day, but what's more, this weekend is a Lonely Prompt Challenge.

So take a stroll on through our lonely prompts. Write one, write a dozen. Try out a new fandom, or bring a new take to something you're used to... Go wild!

Just don't forget to comment here with what you write today, or it won't be counted. You just need to leave the prompt and the url for each entry. (But don't make it a link please, just list it out as usual.)

Our regular rules apply:

The contest will run from 0:00 PST today (Saturday) until 23:59 PST tomorrow (Sunday).
Note: This post is going up a bit early due to my schedule - watch your clock as our contest counters will be checking the time stamps on each submission.

If you have spoilers in the story, please warn in bold and leave three spaces.

Please edit your comments to include new submissions, or comment to yourself so that all of your submissions are in the same place.

And don't be intimidated if you see someone writing more than you think you can manage - we have all sorts of awards in mind, so share some love and creativity with people that didn't get their prompts answered. The more the merrier, always!

Ready? Let's see what you've got!

Lonely prompts by Genre:
Lonely: Crossovers
Lonely: Action
Lonely: Anime & Manga
Lonely: Comedy
Lonely: Comics
Lonely: Crime
Lonely: Drama
Lonely: Fantasy
Lonely: Games
Lonely: Horror
Lonely: Literature & Plays
Lonely: Medical
Lonely: Mystery
Lonely: Mythology
Lonely: RPF/S
Lonely: SciFi
Lonely: Sports
Lonely: Spy

!lonely prompts, !challenge

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