Thursday: Share my blanket

Apr 16, 2015 05:20

Hello, everyone. I’m evil_little_dog and today's theme is All Comfy-Cozy. All prompts should inspire warmth, like cuddling, comforting, blanket fic, curtain fics, well, you get the idea!

Just a few rules:No more than five prompts in a row ( Read more... )

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Comments 105

jaune_chat April 16 2015, 10:43:15 UTC
MCU, Bruce Banner (and Hulk) + or / any, the Hulk is not often calm enough to cuddle, but when he is, the cuddling is epic.


no fill yet tigriswolf April 16 2015, 15:58:00 UTC

... I have been craving a fic where Bruce and the (ex)Winter Soldier meet up somewhere while both being on the run and then proceed to become friends/something more. Would an AU to that effect be okay?


Re: no fill yet jaune_chat April 16 2015, 18:38:16 UTC
I am totally cool with that and would love to read it! :D


1/3? AU pre-Avengers, Bruce Banner + (ex)Winter Soldier tigriswolf April 17 2015, 19:01:41 UTC
(So, pre-Avengers AU. The Winter Soldier's slipped the leash for reasons I don't know yet. I'm also not all that familiar with the Hulk movies, so. Yeah. Hope this is at all in character for Bruce. References, of course, to violence/abuse/torture, and also child abuse ( ... )


doreyg April 16 2015, 10:56:21 UTC
Superman: TAS, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, "That's what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you're not so lovable."


evil_little_dog April 16 2015, 11:01:03 UTC
Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell, Hugging Winry with two flesh arms


evil_little_dog April 16 2015, 11:01:13 UTC
The X-Files, Dana Scully/Fox Mulder, A room with a fireplace


evil_little_dog April 16 2015, 11:01:21 UTC
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy Summers/Angel, She always feels safest in his arms


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