Tuesday: daemons

Mar 10, 2015 00:08

And today’s theme is daemons, a la His Dark Materials. Take your favorites and give them animals as souls outside their bodies. Or maybe instead, you want to worldbuild with the concept (as I do) and wonder about what having a daemon would change.

The rules, as ever, are:

1. No more than five prompts in a row.
2. No more than three prompts in a fandom.
3. Use the character's full name and fandom's full name for ease adding to the Lonely Prompts spreadsheet.
4. If your prompt or fill contains anything that can be a trigger for the reader, please add a warning for that to give the reader the chance to decide if they want to read or not.
5. No spoilers in prompts for a month after airing. Use the spoiler cut option found here.
6. If your fill contains spoilers, warn and leave plenty of space, or use the above mentioned spoiler cut.

Prompts should be formatted as follows:
Fandom, Character+/Character, Prompt

For example:

any fandom with vampires, author's choice, vampires don't have daemons

Author’s choice, author’s choice, how movies/TV shows work in a world with daemons - do characters have their actors’ daemons? So on and so forth.

We are now using AO3 to bookmark filled prompts. If you fill a prompt and post it to AO3 please add it to the Bite Sized Bits of Fic from 2015 collection.

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