TGIF, and that means... FREE FOR ALL!
Just please remember to show restraint with your prompts. No more than 3 per fandom per prompter, no more than 5 prompts in a row. And for the sake of our very diligent code monkeys, please format your prompts appropriately!
Leverage, Eliot/Nate, Big Bad Wolf
Criminal Minds/NCIS, Gibbs/Rossi, boats
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"We're going, we're going," Rodney snarled, attempting to stomp his way from the gate to the decon chamber.
He was covered in so much puke-green goop that he squelched instead, leaving sloppy footprints behind him. Every step he took squished. John wasn't much better. Neither were Ronon and Teyla. John sighed and followed Rodney's endless complaints and Teyla's annoyed squelchy-stomp, wondering idly if he'd ever be able to get the goo out of his gun. It was starting to harden up already.
"Better get in there quick," John said to Ronon. "I think this stuff is going to be like cement when it hardens and I don't think you want to shave your dreads."
"No, I don't," Ronon growled, his hand going to his beard.
"Or that," John said, nodding.
It took breaking out the solvents to get it off of them, even after they stripped down to their skin. The goop clogged up the drains at first and started solidifying in the waste system, sending Rodney off on another swearing jag. Even after they got the goop off, they still stank to high heaven. John washed and scrubbed so many times that he felt like his skin had been scrubbed raw. His hair had been washed so many times that he felt like he was bald. Eventually Jennifer consulted the Athosians and came up with an even more stinky stink remover that seemed to work. They were finally released somewhere around 1:00 am, staggering back to their rooms, or in Rodney's case to the labs, in scrubs.
"Worst welcome home ever," Ronon complained tiredly as he calmly dragged John into his room.
"What? You were expecting a warrior's welcome home?" John asked, almost too tired to care if Ronon ravished him or not.
"Going to get that in the morning," Ronon said. "No, I just wanted some of that nut bread they promised to make for dinner. No one saved any."
John laughed, pulling off his scrubs and climbing into Ronon's bed. Ronon joined him, pulling his dreads back with a band. Ronon pulled him into his arms, spooning with him. John sighed, not at all surprised to find that Ronon was flacid. John wasn't sure that his cock was going to respond anytime soon.
"Get you in the morning before the run," Ronon murmured into John's ear.
"Works," John sighed, squirming a little until he was comfortable. "Night."
"Night," Ronon yawned, kissing the tip of John's ear. He started snoring quietly, the sound lulling John to sleep.
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