Monday: Crack

Oct 07, 2013 21:35

Hi, it’s enochia again, returning for another spot of guest hosting. Today is Monday, and the theme is “crack”, be it pairing, plot, event...

Give your prompts according to these rules:

- No more than three prompts in one fandom

- No more than five prompts in a row unless one of your prompts is filled. Then you can prompt again.

- No spoilers in prompts

- If your fill contains spoilers, please warn and leave plenty of space

Please keep the codemonkeys in mind and obey the formatting rules:

Fandom, Character, Prompt

Fandom, Character/Character, Prompt

Fandom, Character + Character, Prompt

Blake's 7, Orac, a sophisticated AI can get high

Sherlock (BBC), Mycroft/Cake, only you understand me

LotR/Silmarillion, Legolas Thranduilion + Legolas of Gondolin, switch

If there is nothing that catches your fancy, take a look at the lonely prompts.

prompts: crack

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