Just taking out a quick moment to share the love of lonely prompts that have all been written. Keep up the great work over the week, guys, and everyone have fun!
RPS/Doctor Who, Steve/10, upstairs Crossovers: Supernatural
XMen/Supernatural, Dean/Remy/Sam, leather Supernatural/RPS, Sam/Christian Kane, possessive SPN/Smallville, Jo/Oliver, sweat HEROES
Heroes, Sylar/Luke, the newest dancer at the strip joint Heroes, Mohinder/Adam, girly drinks Heroes, winged!Nathan/Peter, evolution of a superpower Heroes, Sylar/Mohinder/Gabriel, bizarro world Heroes, Adam/Mohinder, weekend in Monte Carlo Heroes, Adam/Angela, Socks Heroes, teen!Angela/Adam, awestruck Heroes, Mohinder/Elle, "I'm entirely too old for this" Heroes, Matt/Mohinder, wet dreams KANE RPS
RPS, Chris/Steve, Just a Dream - Carrie Underwood RPS, Christian Kane/Steve Carlson, don't do that again RPS, Winged!Chris/Steve, hidden Leverage
Leverage, Hardison/author's choice, 'Spiderpig, Spiderpig, does whatever a Spiderpig does! Can he swing from a web? No he can't, he's a pig. Look out! Here comes the Spiderpig!' Leverage, Eliot/Hardison, part of the plan Leverage, Eliot/golem!Eliot/Nate, not just a homunculus LOTR RPS
Lotrips, Karl/Orlando, apples and oranges Miscellanea
Dawson's Creek Pacey/Jack gay bar Good Omens, Crowley/Aziraphale, tea at the Ritz American Gods, Low Key/Shadow, smoke and mirrors High School Musical, Chad/Ryan, Magic The Boat That Rocked, Carl/Mark, "How about it then?" Rent, author's choice, Santa Fe dream Die Hard 4, Matt/John, "More slick, Slick." Alexander(Movie), Alexander/Hephaestion, Achilles and Patroclus Stargate!Verse
SG-1/SGA, Daniel/John, lessons SG1/SGA, John/Cam/Rodney/Jennifer, wife swapping Supernatural
SPN, Ash/Pamela, resurrections SPN, Alistair/author's choice, Home, hellish, home! Supernatural, Sam/Dean, Ikarus(Icarus) Cop/Law/Spy
Bones, Zack/Hodgins, Pepsi Bones, Zach/Booth, Distraction Chuck, Chuck/Casey, adrenaline CSI, Grissom/Lady Heather, being known In Plain Sight, Marshall/Mary, first day Numb3rs, Don/Charlie, wrong turn Numb3rs, David/Colby, don't call me baby The Mentalist, Van Pelt/Rigsby, Undercover in an S/M club. Numb3rs, Don/Charlie, spanking Numb3rs, Don/Charlie, leather cuffs Fantasy
Neverwhere, Marquis/Richard, boots with heels CWRPS
RPS, Jared/Jensen, 10 Things I Hate About You CWRPS, JDM/Jensen, shaving.