Nov 19, 2012 06:58

Hello! My name is Drayce and this is my week to cause havoc... erm, post the prompts. Yeah, that.

Today's theme is first lines, as in the prompt will be the first line of your story.

Some simple rules:
+No more than five prompts in a row.
+No more than three prompts in the same fandom.
+If one of your prompts is filled, feel free to prompt again.
+No spoilers in the prompts.
+If your fill contains spoilers please warn and/or leave at least three spaces.

Format for prompts:
Fandom, Character, Prompt
Fandom, Character/Character, Prompt


The Professionals, Bodie/Doyle, "You're holding it wrong."
Sherlock BBC, Sherlock/John, Even Stepney looked good in the moonlight.
Person of Interest, Reese/Finch, Sulking on a rooftop wasn't his finest moment.

Not really your thing? Why not try to fill one of the lonely prompts instead?

tag=first lines

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