Friday: Last Lines

Nov 16, 2012 01:47

Happy, glorious, wonderful Friday everyone! It's the last day for me mahmfic as your host for the week. Thank you all for sticking with me. Today's theme is Last lines You may realize that the last line in a book or fic are important. They need to leave the reader feeling satisfied, wowed, tearful, shocked, etc. The last line is the last impression you leave with the reader after all. Whatever your prompt is must be the last line used in the fill.

+No more than five prompts in a row.
+No more than three prompts in the same fandom.
+If one of your prompts is filled, feel free to prompt again.
+No spoilers in the prompts.
+If your fill contains spoilers please warn and/or leave at least three spaces.

Fandom, Character, Prompt
Fandom, Character/Character, Prompt

Once A Upon A Time, Rumpelstiltskin, The truth is that no one will ever understand him.
Doctor Who, Amy, Her Doctor, her Raggedy Man.

Not a fan of today's theme? Try the lonely prompts.

And have a utterly marvelous weekend!

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