Friday: Smell

Aug 03, 2012 16:30

Hi, enochia here, and this is the last day of my hosting. Today, I wanted to focus on one of the senses that gets little attention: smell. Of course, it doesn’t have to be about the sense only, ir can also be about what it feels: perfume, stink, pheromones, scent...

Rules are, as always:

- No more than three prompts in one fandom
- No more than five prompts in a row unless one of your prompts is filled. Then you can prompt again.
- No spoilers in prompts
- If your fill contains spoilers, please warn and leave plenty of space

Think of the codemonkeys and format your prompts properly:

Fandom, Character, Prompt
Fandom, Character/Character, Prompt
Fandom, Character + Character, Prompt


BBC Sherlock, Molly, putrefaction
Any, any/any, poison flowers smell so sweet
Firefly, Inara + Kaylee, scent is an important part of the seduction game

If there is nothing that catches your fancy, take a look at the lonely prompts.

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