Thursday: Performer AUs

Jul 05, 2012 09:08

Today's theme is one of my favorites - performer AUs: make your characters musicians, actors, movie stars, ballet dancers, DJs, pop stars, a rock band, reality show contestants, TV news people.

No more than three prompts to a single fandom
No more than five prompts at a time
No spoilers in the prompts and if your fill has spoilers, please warn and and leave at least three spaces

Fandom, Character, Prompt
Fandom, Character/Character, Prompt


Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny, Steve is an actor who plays the lead on a formerly hit TV show whose ratings are failing; Danny plays the new character brought in to revive the show.
Merlin, Arthur/Merlin, Shakespearean AU
Suits, Harvey/Mike, reality show AU in which Harvey and Mike are rival contestants.
Avengers, all, the Avengers are superstars brought together to record a song to raise money for charity.

tag=performer AU
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