Comfort Food---Monday

Jun 11, 2012 10:13

Hello gang! This is your friendly neighborhood sharpiesgal and I'll be your guest host for this week.

Since today is Monday, the most dreaded day of the week I figured the best way to overcome this day is comfort food. That's right. Today's theme is comfort food.

Do with it what you will.

Before the fun there are rules.

--No more than five prompts in a row. If someone fills one of your prompts, you are then free to prompt again.
--No more than three prompts in the same fandom.
--No spoilers in your prompts!
--If your fill contains spoilers, warn & leave plenty of space.

And as always, format your prompts properly:

Hawaii 5-0, Steve/Danny, Mom's lasagna
Inception, Arthur/Eames, Scrapple
Enterprise, Trip/Archer, Peach cobbler

tag=comfort food
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